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We need a change

Dear Editor,

The prime minister of Barbados, Freundel Stewart, has repeated the following statement on innumerable occasions: "Barbados has the best civil service in the Caribbean." None should accuse him of being a braggart because he deserves bragging rights.

In Barbados employment in the civil service is based on meritocracy and performance, not nepotism and cronyism. The Bajans have not followed Jamaica's dirty examples. Further, Barbados has been engaging in public sector reform for over 30 years. Unlike our parliamentarians, the Bajans are cognisant of the fact that the civil service is responsible for institutional building in a country. Therefore, public sector reform cannot be a piecemeal initiative; it is an ongoing process. Archaic policies in regards to the public sector are often reviewed by technocrats in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

Barbados is now reaping the rewards for her foresight. Barbados was ranked 47 on the Global Competitiveness Index and 15 on the Corruption Perception Index, outperforming many developed countries, including America and England. Barbados also received high marks for institutions, infrastructure and health and education indicators on the Global Competitiveness Index.

Time wasted can never be regained. When Barbados was reviewing public sector policies in the 70s, the Manley Administration created the Commission of Political Purity, which rewarded persons with jobs based on ideology and support for the party and

not on technical competence. Unfortunately, the contamination of the civil service continues today. Furthermore, the political figureheads in this country have created a culture which is built on welfare and not on wealth creation. In Jamaica, populism always triumphs over tangible economic policies. This State has never had a transformational leader and the current leadership is extremely uninspiring.

However, the people of Jamaica should also shoulder the blame for the massive institutional failure which the nation has experienced over the past 50 years as they have not demanded better representation from their elected representatives.

After 51 years of Independence Jamaican are still fast asleep; refusing to wake up and reclaim our nation from the clutches of despots. Change will only occur when Jamaicans decide to stand up to those in Gordon House and demand effective representation.

Lipton Matthews


We need a change


Vybz over Kern

Dear Editor,

I wonder what is behind some media houses' attempt to almost block out the trial of politician Kern Spencer with that of Vybz Kartel?

Here we are in a country where the corruption index finds us sliding further down that slippery slope more and more each year, yet the reporting on this important trial is being overshadowed by that of a dancehall artiste whose fate does not in one way or the other affect the majority of us.

Come to think of it, the media almost ignored the Finsac Commission of Enquiry, finding almost everything else far more important to inform the public about, instead of what was coming out of those sittings.

I have often wondered why Jamaicans are so uninterested in the continued high level of corruption in successive governments over the years, which has destroyed the potential of this wonderful country and caused us to become even poorer each year. Now I know, for it is apparent that the media, which usually sets the agenda for public discussion for the man in the street, is not really too exercised about the issue of corruption either.

Joan E Williams

Kingston 10


Vybz over Kern


OBSERVER ONLINE READERS COMMENT: Caribbean integration is not natural

Dear Editor:

To take a stand is not hate. To demand respect is not hate. No one is demanding that anyone be let into Trinidad or any other place. We are simply saying that refusals should comply with the recent court ruling, access to consulates, attorneys etc.

The people have placed the government in power; the government should represent the people.

This so called integration is not natural, not real, and obviously in Trinidad it’s unwelcome. This issue is larger than the fact that a few thousand people have studied together at UWI, or worked for some regional institutions on the public purse.

These politicians must know that they are paid to represent our interests and not their personal friendships. We are not saying they should be hostile to each other. However, their photo ops do not represent the feelings of the people. People claim that people making a personal choice will have an adverse effect on employment. Well let market forces handle that issue.

Politicians love to smile and talk diplomatic double speak. We the people speak with our wallets and purses. This is something that cannot be legislated or dictated. Japan and China have diplomatic stalemate over a piece of rock, a useless piece of rock that can't hold 10 people. Yet we have no backbones as Jamaicans.

People blame the rich, and the very poor for Jamaica’s destruction. But I think the blame should be laid clearly at the feet of the so called middle class; there seems to be some type of pride derived from being able to absorb price increases and devaluations.

They see protest as the territory of the "likkle man". Of course the wealthy have "lobby groups". So unoo can grin up and skin up. The people will not relent, we will not be moved.

Brooklyn man

Are there Mandelas among us?

Dear Editor,

There is a lesson for Jamaica to learned from the life of Nelson Mandela. Mandela placed the unity of his country over and above personal offences irrespective of how serious they were. In so doing he was able to overlook racial oppression, to overlook the indignity of racial prejudice, to overlook the murder of friends and associates together with his own incarceration for 27 years in the prime of his life, all at the hands of white South Africans.

In the end he created a unified South Africa, transforming an economically backward country teetering on the edge of civil war in the decade of the 90s, to one of the dominant societies of today.

Why then should our age-old conflict between the People's National Party and the Jamaica Labour Party assume so much importance to the point where members of either party place the scoring of petty political points over and above the long-term interests of Jamaica? Why then should the last Jamaica Labour Party leadership contest end in so much acrimony between persons on either side of the Shaw-Holness divide as well the uncommitted? Why does the winning of elections by JLP and PNP not

enrich Jamaica?

Mandela wore the T shirt of the formerly white-dominated South Africa rugby team, since then transforming it to a multiracial side now known as the All Blacks. Mandela sang the Afrikaaner or white South African anthem. Mandela befriended and engaged his white jailhouse governor to the point where when the governor resigned he personally shook the hands of all the prisoners before leaving office. Mandela created a truth and reconciliation commission which effectively papered over the thorny issue of repayment for all the murder of black South Africans by whites South Africans. Nelson Mandela stepped aside from leadership of his country when he might have continued.

For us the questions abound. Is there any cross too difficult for any of us to bear in order to transform our dysfunctional and backward society? Is there any cross too much for us to bear in preventing the murder and bloodshed in our society today? Where are the Mandelas amongst us?

It is time. Nelson Mandela was incarcerated around the time of Jamaica's Independence. He has since come out of prison, led his country, resigned from office, and is now dead. Through one man's lifetime he achieved so much, yet through the life of our entire nation we have little to show. It is time Jamaica, it is time. We must master the tools. They are humility, mutual respect, genuine love for each other, and the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary by offering our lives for the good of this country.

Clive Stewart


Are there Mandelas among us?


We need more access to WWW

Dear Editor,

Jamaica's rate of Internet penetration is not very encouraging. Despite significant progress made over the last decade, it remains relatively low.

In fact, St Lucia, at number 11, is the only Caribbean island listed among the top 50 countries with highest penetration rate. They have a rate of 88.5 per cent. Jamaica, on the other hand, has an rate of 54.7 per cent. At number one is Iceland at 97.8 per cent.

A number of factors have negatively impacted Jamaica's rate of Internet penetration rate. One such factor is simple economics. It is far too expensive for the average Jamaican household to purchase a laptop or PC. The prohibitive cost to acquire a personal computer needs to be tackled with a sense of urgency. We need to find creative means of bridging what is obviously a social divide.

One way of addressing this divide between the wealthy and the working poor is for the Government to use some of funds from telecoms providers to establish computer outlets islandwide, which would then sell laptops and personal computers at a reduced cost. Owning a computer should not be viewed as luxury, instead it should be seen as a necessary development tool to which our youths should have ready access. Unsurprisingly, there seems to be a direct relationship between the rate of Internet penetration and the United Nations Human Development Index (HDI). The higher the HDI, the greater the proportion of the population uses the Internet.

HDI is a statistical tool used to measure a country's overall achievement in its social and economic dimensions. The social and economic dimensions of a country are based on the health of a people, their level of education attainment, and their standard of living.

It makes little sense investing in islandwide fibre optic Internet when the client on whose behalf the investment is being made will be unable to access the hardware due to

financial constraints.

The second factor impacting Jamaica's rate of Internet penetration is the literacy level of our society. The top five countries with the highest rate of penetration all have literacy levels above 97 per cent. Iceland has a 99 per cent literacy level, so too is Norway which is ranked number 2. Jamaica's literacy level is around 86 per cent.

Additionally, we need to make a determined effort to reduce the cost associated with having Internet access. Internet service costs are just too high.

It does not make much sense neither to own a personal computer but unable to access internet because the cost is too prohibitive.

A collaborative effort will be needed if we are going to have an increase in the rate of Internet penetration, which will promote a viable business environment and definitely attract necessary investment to help us out of our present economic rut.

Wayne Campbek



We need more access to WWW


'Out of place'

Dear Editor,

As a Jamaican who considers Trinidad and Tobago his second home, I was disappointed beyond description when I read an article in the Trinidad Guardian, published on December 4, 2013, titled 'Out of Place' where National Security Minister Gary Griffith "knocked his colleague, Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Dookeran, for making promises on travel between T&T and Jamaica with that country's foreign minister, A J Nicholson, without first consulting him". Well excuse me!

Minister Dookeran is a senior and seasoned Cabinet member and had the blessing of his prime minister, for whom I have the utmost respect. She is a model prime minister and, despite the cabals around her, she genuinely has her country's interest at heart. I cannot say the same about the Jamaican prime minister who is on travelling the world.

Minister Griffith has spent much of the past three years in the shadows as the prime minister's national security advisor and, perhaps, is a little hungry for attention and sound bites. And, clearly, it is working. If only Minister Griffith were this stride on Trinidad's ever-increasing homicide rate. The Trini public is waiting on Minister Griffith to outline a clear plan to reduce the number of murders committed in the republic. He should stop deflecting attention by talking about deportation and shopping mall.

Minister Griffith has spent much of the past three years in the shadows as the prime minister's national security advisor and, perhaps, is a little hungry for attention and sound bites. And, clearly, it is working. If only Minister Griffith were this stride on Trinidad's ever-increasing homicide rate. The Trini public is waiting on Minister Griffith to outline a clear plan to reduce the number of murders committed in the republic. He should stop deflecting attention by talking about deportation and shopping mall.

Minister Griffith said: "These people (referring to illegal immigrants) have not only put a strain on the public's purse, but also on the country's health and housing sectors. Where is the evidence Minister Griffith? He also stated, on at least two occasions, that there were some 30,000 illegal immigrants in T&T, including Jamaicans, St Lucians, Grenadians, those from other Caribbean islands, and from South Africa. So what about the illegal Chinese, Indians and South Americans living and working illegally in T&T? Is Mr Griffith afraid to upset China, India, Colombia, and Venezuela?

My position is, every Caricom country should reserve the right to refuse any Caricom or foreign national, but Mr Griffith's tone has been repugnant, unacceptable and anti Caribbean integration. Contrary to popular belief, Jamaicans love they 'doubles' and 'buss up shut' and Trinis love they patties and jerk chicken. Admittedly, Minister Griffith is new to the Cabinet and perhaps is alien to the concept to collective responsibility. I can only hope Minister Dookeran provides some public relations, diplomacy and collective responsibility advice.

Andrew King


'Out of place'


Hypocrisy among our people in celebrating world heroes

Dear Editor,

I am extremely peeved at seeing persons across the and length and breadth of Jamaica, and across the globe, being ever so quick to extensively highlight and celebrate the extraordinary works of true heroes and humanitarians, like Nelson Mandela, while knowing full well that they are light years away from gaining the courage to continue the journey of those admirable heroes, heroines, and humanitarians.

Those despicable hypocrites, who claim to be touched and motivated by heroes such as Nelson Mandela, continue to nourish their hearts with corruption, human exploitation, greed for wealth and power, and immorality, in fear that going against the status quo will prevent them from "eating a food" and surviving.

Those sordid politicians, businessmen, and citizens who are trying to make us believe they are truly inspired and motivated by the selfless works of those heroes of the world continue to plunge our country into immeasurable depths of poverty, dependence, human exploitation, crime, and immorality.

If you don't believe me, then honestly answer the following question: How many of you are doing, and would start doing, what our world heroes, such Mandela, have done in order to free your nation from all the abuses and exploitations of the people, even at the expense of your life?

I can proudly say yes to the above question, and I will continue my mission of fighting for what I believe is right for the people of the country and world, even if it continues to cost me jobs, wealth, relationships, and adoration from persons who desperately want me to shut my mouth and start working with this sordid system of the majority.

Garth "Sub-Zero" Allen


Hypocrisy among our people in celebrating world heroes


The youth need help

Dear Editor,

Over the past few weeks, I have been reading about the surge in crime and violence in Jamaica.

I acknowledge that many of the points raised are worth examining, especially that of the police commissioner and minister of national security need to do more.

The problem of crime and violence in Jamaica is not a police or government issue only; it's a Jamaican issue. If we examine the issue closely we will see a trend building in Jamaica, like many cities around the world. That trend is, young people are the number one offenders.

So we as a country must ask, what is happening to our youth and how do we address that issue? Our youth are fearless, act without thinking, have no regard for life and, most of all, have been failed by their homes.

Where are the parents? Where is the community? Where is the local political representatives?

While it is fair to ask the police and Government to do more, it is also fair that we ask the parents and MPs what are they doing to address the issue at hand.

Gary Foster

Upliftment Jamaica

St Thomas


Some of us still mail postcards

Dear Editor,

The tradition of sending postcards at Christmas is nearly as old as the celebration of Christmas itself. Sending postcards may seem like a waste of time to some, especially in today's society when one can easily and instantly share one's experiences with friends and family through the various social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. However, there are many traditionalists in the society who prefer to adhere to this fast-eroding practice in the digital age in which we live.

In recent times, the pleasure of sending postcards has become burdensome and time-consuming because of the number of stamps that are required for international postage to some destinations. On a recent visit to the post office it took me quite a while to complete placing a significant number of stamps on postcards. This was primarily because the post office either did not have stamps above $100 value or they were out of higher value stamps; regardless of the reason, we need to look into it.

Going to the post office should be a pleasant experience, especially as we celebrate the Yuletode, and those in authority should make sure the system is efficient. The office of the Postmaster General must be sensitive to the needs of the public and put measures in place to accommodate and ensure a satisfying visit to the post office for all members of the public. Maybe this is part of the reason the service is losing currency.

Wayne Campbell



Who speaks for us?

Dear Editor,

I am convinced that if Jamaicans had not threatened to boycott goods coming from Trinidad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would have remained totally unconcerned about the issues which have made Caricom a millstone around the necks of the taxpayers in this country.

Now we see them jumping into action to hold discussions with the Trinidadian minister of foreign affairs, but I am wondering out loud, who is really representing out interests in this discussion? Minister Nicholson, the man who told us to leave Trinidad alone?

I wonder why am I not feeling optimistic about the outcome of these meetings and agreements?

Joan E Williams

Kingston 10


AJ Nicholson.jpg

Who speaks for us?


Mandela — man of unparalleled courage

Throughout the ages, human beings have been blessed with the emergence of outstanding leaders, but none has been more eminent and distinguished than Nelson Mandela.

There is no doubt his death on December 5, 2013 has left a moral void that cannot be easily filled. But, although we mourn his death, we should also celebrate his 95 years on this planet.

This remarkable South African icon is indeed the personification of freedom, peace, social justice, struggle, and unparalleled courage. We must not forget that Mandela endured unbelievable persecution, excruciating physical pain, and relentless mental torture during his long struggle for peace, freedom and social justice.

It is indeed noteworthy that this inspirational leader could have enjoyed a comparatively robust life as a distinguished lawyer. On the contrary, in his burning desire to free his compatriots from the tyranny of the white racist South African regime, Nelson Mandela advocated, organised and led the charge against the dehumanising and immoral policy of Apartheid.

Mandela's 27 years behind bars were not spent in self-pity, remorse or regrets, but that time was spent in deep reflection and unbelievable optimism. His firm belief in the power of social justice sustained him throughout those dark days.

Although he was brutally treated at the hands of a Hitlerite racist South African regime, at no time did Mandela seek revenge. He did not seek to get even when he finally became leader of the South African nation. He did not harbour bitterness in his heart. Instead, he stretched forth his hand in friendship to the same people who reviled and incarcerated him. He reached out in a magnanimous spirit of reconciliation and healing. It can be said that his Truth and Reconciliation Commission of 1995 has become a template for all world leaders to copy.

Let us not forget that the main purpose of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was to implore and urge people to live together in harmony.

This act of forgiveness and reconciliation is truly a mark of greatness that has set Mandela apart from other world leaders. May his soul rest in peace.

Rupert Johnson

Toronto, Canada


Mandela -- man of unparalleled courage


Plan rail into the hub

Dear Editor,

The Government is touting the logistics hub, but is at the same time making it less likely to succeed, are they crazy?

Based on our location in the world, I'm all for the logistics hub — properly designed — but, as I have said in the past, they should have a plan, and I mean a single, unified plan. Perhaps the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), living up to its name, with the assistance of the engineers of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE), can put such a plan together in the short time the Government is talking about.

The logistics hub should have as an integral part of it a unified railway system to move heavy freight and other goods to and from manufacturing and processing (free zone) operations across the island to the trans-shipment port, perhaps at McCarry Bay adjacent to the Vernam Field International Airport (VFIA), and the port's free zone facilities. Instead, we see the Government proposing the break-up of Jamaica's railway system.

Can you imagine having to negotiate with multiple railway companies to move a train with freight across not even 100 miles (167 Km) of rail to or from the port? Different rates charged by the various owners for the use of each part of the railway system? What about traffic control? Who would manage the trains so that two trains don't meet head-on, or schedule a faster train to prevent it from running into the tail end of another? Our railway is small enough as it is. In many countries our entire rail system would be rated as a couple spur lines. It's just crazy!

Howard Chin


Jamaica Institution of Engineers

Plan rail into the hub


Why an exclusive bus service for civil servants?

Dear Editor,

As the country struggles to cope with the tight fiscal and monetary situation that challenges both the public and the private sectors, l find it extremely difficult to reconcile the Government spending millions of taxpayers' hard-earned money on providing a bus system dedicated to civil servants.

We must be the only country in the world that is doing this nonsense. Can someone explain to me and the wider Jamaica what is it that our civil servants do that require this exceptional treatment, apart from the shoddy service that often characterises their dealigs with members of the public.

My understanding is that this bus service for civil servants is being provided under a collective bargaining agreement struck with the Government several years ago during the days of the poor public transport system that existed prior to the JUTC.

We have come a long way since those days, and it's quite difficult for me to fathom why the Government and the civil servants cannot agree on a formula to reallocate the resources being spent on their exclusive bus service towards some other important national good; especially in the context of the investment of billions of dollars in a modern, air-conditioned fleet of new buses that's more than adequate to take everyone around.

If we are serious about prioritising spending on important areas for the development of the country, a dedicated bus system for our civil servants would not qualify by any stretch of the imagination.

Winston D Barrett

Manor Park

Why an exclusive bus service for civil servants?


Mugabe can learn from Mandela

Dear Editor,

When world leaders gather today in South Africa for the funeral of Nelson Mandela, one notable African leader will no doubt be present -- Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe. A presumed freedom fighter himself, Mugabe was no Mandela. Indeed, he can learn a lot from Nelson Mandela.

Both men led military campaigns to end white rule in their countries. However, while Mugabe attained victory long before Mandela, and is still in power in Zimbabwe, Mandela created a much stronger South Africa and willingly gave up power after only one term in office. This is a very potent lesson for Mugabe.

Mugabe somehow got it into his head that blacks in Zimbabwe must be the "true" owners of the country. As such, he implemented a very destructive and senseless programme of property repatriation at the expense of the country's whites. Through this, Mugabe transformed Zimbabwe from the region's breadbasket to a major food importer. He vanquished his country's best farmers and ruined Zimbabwe's economy.

Mandela, however, was not so rash. He realised that when power shifted to the black masses, he could not destroy South Africa with "property repatriation" at the expense of whites. Mandela was no fool.

Though the lead anti-Apartheid campaigner, he realised that certain aspects of the system that he fought could not be destroyed; in particular, Apartheid science and technology could be useful. Mandela knew that science and technology will work for any colour. Being much more visionary, Mandela built upon these and other positive aspects of the system that he detested.

When Mugabe travels to South Africa for the funeral and sees the strong country that can be built when positive elements of old and new systems are built upon, let's hope that he will finally learn what true freedom fighters like Mandela, can achieve when they think with their brains.

Michael A Dingwall



Mugabe can learn from Mandela


Learn from Madiba!

Dear Editor,

On December 5, 2013, one day before Finland celebrates 96 years of independence from USSR, I heard the sad news that one of the most admired men on earth had passed on. While it is true that we all know that this day was looming, it was still sad to see such a great man left us so early.

I turned on my TV and BBC World was the first channel I tuned into. I told myself the great man left us before the president opened his mouth. Anyway, I thought losing Nelson Mandela was very sad until I opened the Jamaica Observer the following morning and saw the headline entitled 'J'can leaders hail Nelson Mandela'. Reading what some non-politicians said, it is very clear they have nothing in common with the great man apart from the skin colour.

Mandela was for the poor, the forgotten, the oppressed, not dwelling on the past and believe in reconciliation. Nelson Mandela devoted his life to the ideal that the dignity of the human person was a God-given right that should never be denied or downtrodden. He led and inspired his country's epic struggle for freedom and democracy and will be remembered with special pride as the first president of democratic South Africa.

Mrs Simpson-Miller is Jamaica's first female prime minister and Nelson Mandela is the first president of democratic South Africa and that is where the comparison ends. She was elected to office because she promised to champion for the poor and all she is doing right now is ignoring the people who put her in office. It is very clear she learned nothing from Mandela who was a champion for the poor and the oppressed people of south Africa and the world.

I wish that the Opposition leader had not mentioned the word "bitterness" in his tribute. This is the same man who asked all his senators to resign en masse because some of them endorsed another candidate. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting the apartheid system and still had the decency to forgive his oppressors.

The honest truth is that none of the non-politicians in Jamaica are fit to praise Nelson Mandela. Mandela put people before self and party. He stayed in prison so as to give the oppressed people of South Africa a platform to fight for equal rights. He led by example, he was not interested in retribution, but reconciliation and forgiveness, and he will be surely miss.

Long live, Madiba! I hope your Christmas dinner with the likes of Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Prince Diana, Rosa Parks and all the other people who championed for oppressed people of the world is going to be a blessed one. There is much to talk about up there.

Hero Scott


Learn from Madiba!


Mandela's life made others live

Dear Editor,

The culture of a man's spirit and soul is the DNA of his being, and the fibre of his intellect is the essence of character.

In Nelson Mandela humanity found a being of noble character whose blood, though not of kings, was majestic and who gave the world himself as an exemplar of courage, fortitude and forgiveness.

His life made others live in freedom from the captivity of man's inhumanity to man, and now his death has bequeathed to us, the world, an immortal legacy of enduring value. Death, tearful as it is, has given us a deeper insight and understanding of the height, breadth and depth of his life and how he lived it extraordinarily within and outside the cell which imprisoned the body.

The Creative Production and Training Centre (CPTC) and the Media Technology Institute (MTI) bid farewell to Mandela who excavated from despair hope, moulded and shaped the aspirations of countless people and nations, and created the reality of freedom from dreams conceived within the confines of our minds.

Christopher L Samuda

Chairman, CPTC and MTI


Mandela's life made others live


Frequent-flying PM

Dear Editor,

The PM's frequent absences/travels have seemingly gone unnoticed. But, to my great relief, the Opposition has seen it and is questioning it.

Wasn't it recently that approximately 80 per cent of the civil service signed a wage freeze because the Government could not pay them. So how are these trips funded?

The Observer, on December 4, reported that it cost approximately $20 million for the trip to China. Now, you tell me, what could they be doing that cost so much, and the citizens of Jamaica are not getting value, or information for their money? What is the Government playing at?

Remember the Government asked those who work throughout the year, despite the political changes, to maintain themselves within the austerity measures. This is a case of 'do as I say and not as I do'.

The current government may be the most travelled set that I have seen in my young life. They are definitely not practising the austerity that they want Jamaicans to follow.

Can't Mrs Simpson Miller give up some of the trips, allow the embassies or the respective ambassadors to lead based

on the issues and focus on reclaiming the dollar and setting the country right?

Even more, can't we use social/multi-media, Skype or teleconferencing?

So while we Jamaicans are patiently waiting on our dear 'Mama P' to talk to us, everything is swept under the carpet and shrouded in secrecy. What has happened to accountability and access to information? Are those non-existent like the PM's presence in Jamaica?

Then, because Mrs Portia Simpson Miller said she doesn't watch TV, she possibly has no inkling of what is going on here.

For our benefit, before any more trips are taken the costs, what will be discussed -- as long as it does not put national security in danger -- and results of the discussions must be disclosed to justify these very extensive and expensive travels. Invites that are not of national importance or unnecessary should be politely declined to save the Jamaican taxpayers and civil servants the expense for the trips.

The people have a right to hear from our prime minister to know what's working for our benefit. The prime minister cannot hide. When on the campaign trail, Mrs Portia Simpson Miller talked, so she needs to talk now as the prime minister.

Mrs Simpson Miller is really living up to not 'talking, talking, talking' -- well at least not to us -- but flying, flying, flying.

Colette Campbell


My Christmas angels

Dear Editor,

On Wednesday, 4th December 2013, at approximately 11:40 am I had left the Jamaica Conference Centre and was walking along Port Royal Street towards King Street. The road was lonely but there was shade and seemed an easier walk than my usual route up Church Street. At the time, I had my files and books in my left hand, my handbag over my right shoulder, and my cellular phone in my right hand.

I was consumed with the events of the day, thinking about my family and how they were coping with a recent tragedy. I did not notice how fast a man approached me, and I barely heard when he demanded I give him my phone. I became conscious of what was happening when I felt his hands encircling mine in an attempt to pry the phone from my grip. He then ran in the direction of East Street.

Angel #1 noticed what had happened and drove his car into the path of the robber who turned down a lane. My angel jumped out of his car, but was unable to stop him. I ran down the lane and exited on Harbour Street where Angel #2 was on his bike and asked which direction the man ran. I was unable to say, so my angel rode off down Harbour Street stopping at the lanes to see if he could catch a glimpse of the man. Angels #3 and 4 where security guards who were stationed in shops nearby. One angel got the attention of the bike patrol police while the other angel loaned me his phone so I could call my service provider to shutdown my SIM and walked me to my destination to make sure I arrived safely. The bike patrol police were my Angels #5-8, who searched all the lanes for the man based on the description given.

When I arrived at my destination, Angels #9-13 calmed me down, helping me make all my calls because all my information was on the phone. They then took me to the police station to make the report. The outpouring of patience and understanding from other angels -- in person, over e-mail and Facebook -- helped me overcome the ordeal.

Did I get back my phone? No, and I probably never will, but that doesn't matter. What matters is the kindness shown to me by of each of these angels. In my distress and in the confusion, I forgot or was not able to get your names, but I did not want your good deeds to go unnoticed. To all my Christmas angels, you know yourselves, a very big THANK YOU!!

Anna Gracie

Lady in the navy blue skirt suit

My Christmas angels


Dark days of Christmas in Ja

Dear Editor,

I remember it well, growing up in the rural parts of Portland. At Christmastime we would all look forward to the lights, food, carols and the Christmas spirit that hovered in the air. Though the mornings were so cold, and we were drenched with sleep, we still looked forward to getting up out of bed and dashing out into the street to join the early morning carolers as they came singing past our house.

As we walked around singing in our sweaters, with the damp morning air on our faces, we would stop at random houses with nicely decorated Christmas trees blinking away on verandahs. Most, if not all the houses had Christmas lights, "pepper lights" we called them. Not all the houses had the usual Christmas tree, but somewhere in the yards householders found a tree and decorated it with Christmas lights. Some persons didn't care much for Christmas trees, but they would fashionably decorate the outside of the house with pepper lights -- the eaves, window frames, verandah rails and the grilles, for those houses that had grilles. They winkled from dusk till dawn. Every now and then you would see a house with a single string of lights, though only one string, it had lights, and as children, we would laugh and make fun of those houses.

It was, for some, literally a competition among community members to be labelled "the prettiest house" for the Christmas. At night; having nothing to do, people would gather in small groups and idly move from gate to gate to have discussions about whose lights looked better and what adjustments needed to be made, Sigh.

Those were the good old days when we had Christmas in Jamaica.

Now, as an adult, I look around, year after year, hoping to see some Christmas lights to help bring back that spirit of Christmas, but there are hardly any lights in sight. Yes, I myself could dare to put up some lights, but like the rest of the country, I am afraid. Afraid of the electric bill that will greet me in the new year.

Sometimes I hear stories of children asking their parents for a Christmas tree, but a Christmas tree without lights is like a party without music. So the parents doing the best they can for their children, have to take them to a park or the bank or any other public place where there's a Christmas tree, and sit and wait while the children enjoy the tree.

Because of the constantly increasing price in electricity bills, we can no longer spend time with our loved ones putting up and decorating a Christmas tree in our homes, not even to appease our darling children. They will never experience Christmas like we did as children. There are no carolers, except for those on the radio, and there are definitely no Christmas light competitions. As a matter of fact, if you can look around in your community and find one, just one house, decorated with Christmas lights, that house is an automatic winner by default.

JPS has stopped the lights from twinkling in Jamaica, and maybe has put them out for good. No more "Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas Tree...," only "Oh JPS, oh JPS, have mercy on me". Christmas in Jamaica has suffered a cruel, painful and unjust blow, but thank God for that free Christmas spirit that still hovers in the air that cannot

be captured by no man to put a price on.

Jody-Ann Barclay


Dark days of Christmas in Ja


South Africa's journey to freedom not over

Dear Editor,

For all his time free and leading the fight against evil apartheid, and most of his time in incarceration, Nelson Mandela was labelled a "terrorist" by Western governments. That they refused to impose sanctions on what they now call the "evil" that Mandela fought vehemently told on which side of the struggle they stood.

No one can take anything from the greatness of Mandela's spirit and resolve for freedom and justice. But it is my humble and respectful view that his release from prison was not the last step in the long journey for equality for South Africans.

The evidence is clear. More than 85 per cent of the arable land and wealth in South Africa are owned and controlled by less than eight per cent of the population -- the descendents of the architects of apartheid. Life for many in Soweto and other slums still reeks of deprivation and wretchedness. In short, the shift of political power to blacks has not loosened the grip that the minority whites have on the lifeline of South Africa's wealth and economy. In essence, political independence did not disturb the racially slanted economic system. So great was the price for peace.

But this situation is not far removed from that which confronted Zimbabwe even 10 years after independence. Mugabe, "freedom fighter turned President", became a "despot" to the West when he attempted to redistribute land to landless Zimbabweans, with debilitating economic sanctions against ordinary Zimbabweans for continuing to re-elect him to office. Notwithstanding that, it was Britain and the US that broke their treaty obligation to pay white landowners for lands taken for re-distribution.

South Africa's "long journey" to full freedom and justice will not end until economic and social inequality are addressed. The struggle continues, so long as so few own and control the wealth and resources of the country, at the exclusion of so many. The emergence of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Party, led by the commander-in-chief, Julius Malama, who was recently expelled from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) for his refusal to accept the status quo, is not to be ignored. His mission is as clear, as his words are poignant:

"You are not ashamed for having stolen our land. You want us to come to you and kneel before you to ask for the land of our ancestors. We are not going to do that."

It is not far-fetched to envisioned that South Africa may have to take the route that Mugabe took in Zimbabwe to address the vexed issue of landownership. If and when that happens, it will be interesting to see how the world, especially Britain and the US, will respond.

Aluta continua.

Delford G Morgan



South Africa's journey to freedom not over

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