Dear Editor,
People have been turned off because of the nature of local politics, the tone of which has been set by most of our politicians.
You can't blame them for not voting. The roads in their constituencies needs fixing, the schools are in a rundown state, the police station needs repairing, the fire engine does not work because it needs parts. These are some of the realities which our people face in many different parts of our country.
To make it worse, they don't see their political representative. He/she does not come around to say anything to them they are left to fend for themselves.
Again the attitude and behaviour of their representative does not give them any confidence in the system.
How can you blame and penalise them when they have been given a raw deal?
MP Everald Warmington is impinging on their democratic right to vote or not to vote. As far as I am aware this is still a free country and people still retain that right either to vote or not to vote.
Even if these people choose not to vote, he has an obligation to attend to their needs. He is being paid by them and whether or not they voted for him he is obligated to help them.
If politicians want people to vote, then they need to set example for the people to have confidence in them and the system.
People have been turned off because of the nature of local politics, the tone of which has been set by most of our politicians.
You can't blame them for not voting. The roads in their constituencies needs fixing, the schools are in a rundown state, the police station needs repairing, the fire engine does not work because it needs parts. These are some of the realities which our people face in many different parts of our country.
To make it worse, they don't see their political representative. He/she does not come around to say anything to them they are left to fend for themselves.
Again the attitude and behaviour of their representative does not give them any confidence in the system.
How can you blame and penalise them when they have been given a raw deal?
MP Everald Warmington is impinging on their democratic right to vote or not to vote. As far as I am aware this is still a free country and people still retain that right either to vote or not to vote.
Even if these people choose not to vote, he has an obligation to attend to their needs. He is being paid by them and whether or not they voted for him he is obligated to help them.
If politicians want people to vote, then they need to set example for the people to have confidence in them and the system.