Dear Editor,
These past few weeks have been very sad in Jamaica’s history. We’ve had four suicides in approximately one month. There was the second-form student on April 25; the father of the three-year-old who reportedly killed her and days later killed himself on April 29; allegedly a politician on May 8; and most recently the male student from University of Technology, Jamaica, Rhojay McLean, on May 12.
According to the World Health Organization, some 800,000 people die by suicide per year. Suicide was also the second-leading cause of death among the 15-29-year-old age group in 2012 worldwide. While our rate in Jamaica is very low — 2.1/1,000,000 population — for each suicide that occurs, it is one too many.
Sometimes friends and loved ones who are left behind ask themselves, “How could I have helped? Why couldn’t I have seen the signs?”
Today, I’ll share some of the most common warning signs for suicide:
1. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
2. Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
3. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
4. Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
5. Talking about being a burden to others.
6. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
7. Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
8. Sleeping too little or too much.
9. Withdrawn or feeling isolated.
10. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
11. Displaying extreme mood swings.
12. Preoccupation with death.
13. Suddenly happier, calmer.
14. Loss of interest in things one cares about.
15. Visiting or calling people to say goodbye.
16. Making arrangements; setting one’s affairs in order.
17. Giving things away, such as prized possessions. (from Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
So now that you know some of the signs, let’s clear up some common myths/misconceptions about suicide:
1. If someone talks about suicide, they don’t really mean it, they only want attention: False. If someone talks about suicide, it’s a cry for help.
2. People who attempt suicide are weak: False. People who attempt suicide are not weak, the’re just unable to cope with stressful situations at that time.
3. People who attempt suicide are crazy/have a mental disorder: False. Many people who attempt suicide do not have a mental disorder.
4. If someone has made up their mind to commit suicide, nothing can stop them: False. People feel as though this is the only option. Once they are able to think/feel otherwise, their outlook and behaviour changes.
5. Talking to someone about suicide gives them ideas: False. Talking about suicide provides the environment for the person to get intervention and to explore their options. (from Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
Instead of being judgemental, how about having some compassion for those who have chosen to take their own lives because they felt there was no other way out? Consider spending some quality time with the survivors as well as the many others who at this very moment could benefit from our care, if we only pay more attention and take the signs seriously.
Karyl Powell-Booth
Associate clinical psychologist & PhD student
University of Glasgow, UK
These past few weeks have been very sad in Jamaica’s history. We’ve had four suicides in approximately one month. There was the second-form student on April 25; the father of the three-year-old who reportedly killed her and days later killed himself on April 29; allegedly a politician on May 8; and most recently the male student from University of Technology, Jamaica, Rhojay McLean, on May 12.
According to the World Health Organization, some 800,000 people die by suicide per year. Suicide was also the second-leading cause of death among the 15-29-year-old age group in 2012 worldwide. While our rate in Jamaica is very low — 2.1/1,000,000 population — for each suicide that occurs, it is one too many.
Sometimes friends and loved ones who are left behind ask themselves, “How could I have helped? Why couldn’t I have seen the signs?”
Today, I’ll share some of the most common warning signs for suicide:
1. Talking about wanting to die or to kill oneself.
2. Looking for a way to kill oneself, such as searching online or buying a gun.
3. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
4. Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
5. Talking about being a burden to others.
6. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
7. Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
8. Sleeping too little or too much.
9. Withdrawn or feeling isolated.
10. Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
11. Displaying extreme mood swings.
12. Preoccupation with death.
13. Suddenly happier, calmer.
14. Loss of interest in things one cares about.
15. Visiting or calling people to say goodbye.
16. Making arrangements; setting one’s affairs in order.
17. Giving things away, such as prized possessions. (from Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
So now that you know some of the signs, let’s clear up some common myths/misconceptions about suicide:
1. If someone talks about suicide, they don’t really mean it, they only want attention: False. If someone talks about suicide, it’s a cry for help.
2. People who attempt suicide are weak: False. People who attempt suicide are not weak, the’re just unable to cope with stressful situations at that time.
3. People who attempt suicide are crazy/have a mental disorder: False. Many people who attempt suicide do not have a mental disorder.
4. If someone has made up their mind to commit suicide, nothing can stop them: False. People feel as though this is the only option. Once they are able to think/feel otherwise, their outlook and behaviour changes.
5. Talking to someone about suicide gives them ideas: False. Talking about suicide provides the environment for the person to get intervention and to explore their options. (from Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
Instead of being judgemental, how about having some compassion for those who have chosen to take their own lives because they felt there was no other way out? Consider spending some quality time with the survivors as well as the many others who at this very moment could benefit from our care, if we only pay more attention and take the signs seriously.
Karyl Powell-Booth
Associate clinical psychologist & PhD student
University of Glasgow, UK