Dear Editor,
When members of the gay lobby accuse the church of being morally bankrupt because of a stance for sexual purity, we know that the proverbial moral compass doesn't work in every man's hand.
But it is quite logical that if we behave as if there is no God, and man is the captain of his self, living by his own rules, making them up as he goes along, we end up with everything but reality.
One must be very intelligent to be sane and at the same time insinuate that God is flawed, and that your little group of ants knows better. Let's try some simple math here, and be honest. What percentage of information that exists now in the world do you know? Add that to the percentage of history you know, plus what percentage of the future you know. If you hit one per cent you are brilliant; but still pitifully ignorant compared to God. (If you went over one per cent you are fooling yourself, but you would still be pitiful and ignorant compared to God... just saying).
The mantra of the Love March Movement, an organisation dedicated to sexual purity for Jamaica, is a scripture that sheds light on a very important question. Can anyone be ex-gay? 1st Corinthians 6:9, 11 is true and shows the power the infallible (God) has.
Don't be fooled, it says, the sexually immoral, male prostitutes, homosexuals....will inherit the kingdom of God. "And that is what some of you were", but Jesus made you clean and paid the price for your sin. So ants, under the influence of the 'Prince of Ants', say that homosexuality is part of who they are, irremovable and permanent. God says it is sin, the person is redeemable and homosexuality is a choice.
This is another classic episode of ants vs God; Who is more intelligent again? (Recall calculation above). The Word of God does say that man is born in sin and shaped in iniquity. From this view we understand that sin does affect us from birth, and the 'Prince and Afflictor of Ants', whose ultimate plan is destruction, capitalises on this rule, predisposing us to varying destructive habits. The Word, whether one believes it or not, rules the world. And it always makes sense, unlike claims to being born homosexual with the forever-evasive genetic evidence.
It is important also that one does not perpetuate lies, a man is not homosexual when he has feelings or thoughts about another man, any more than a murderer is a person who thinks of killing someone. One can control his thoughts, and actions, especially if he submits to God.
We all have shortcomings, but Jesus bore our pain that we would be free from the reign of sin. Hopefully this is an unconscious ploy to convince everyone who has had a thought about someone of the same sex, that they are gay. This is not so!
Truth reigns and we can't listen too much to factophobic personnel.
What is true is this; we are at a crossroads in our nation. Poison that shaved overpowered nations and brought them into darkness are fixed on this nation. The LGBTTTIMZ (what does the A in JFLAG mean?) lobby is putting pressure on us to repeal our buggery law. This law stands in the way of the complete resocialisation of our society. If it is touched, we lose it, if we lose it, vaginal and anal penetration will be equated.
This, of course, seems like a non-issue, but the implications are paramount. If male to male anal penetration is considered normal behaviour, then it must be taught in schools. Jamaicans in Canada are having serious issues, because the schools are teaching homosexuality as normal behaviour to their children and when they ask if the children can be removed from the classes, the parents are told they cannot!
This, of course, seems like a non-issue, but the implications are paramount. If male to male anal penetration is considered normal behaviour, then it must be taught in schools. Jamaicans in Canada are having serious issues, because the schools are teaching homosexuality as normal behaviour to their children and when they ask if the children can be removed from the classes, the parents are told they cannot!
The education system is further impacted where teachers who disagree with teaching this material are in danger of losing their jobs! (eg, in California). The destruction of the society continues, there is loss of freedom of speech. If that sort of anal behaviour is normal, then marriage must be allowed as well, between men!
There is loss of freedom of religion. In England last week, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Lillian Ladele, a marital officer, had no right to refuse to marry a gay couple. She even offered to work on a different shift, so that someone else would be able to accommodate them. She was fired for acting on her beliefs!
Where is our highest court? It is in England!! If our law is repealed and a case goes to the Privy Council, do we know on which side the decision will stand?
But this country will not turn out like those. We will protect our civil rights and liberties. The rights of many will not be lost for the pleasure of a few. We are not just standing for sexual purity because God says so, we are standing for sexual purity because it makes sense! There is clear evidence that what the LGBTTTIMZ lobby wants is not equality, it is dominance!
France, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, America, Australia, all these powerhouses have been lured in by this victim, pity me, so-called "equality rights" campaign. I can hear the soft music now, and all they have got is the bowing of every aspect of their society to the aggressive, all-consuming, deception-brewing, totalitarian, ants-know-better-than-God campaign.
We should not allow homosexuality to be ingrained into the fabric of our culture and society. We must protect our families, we must protect our children, or at least protect mine. I have not even got into the medical reasons for keeping the buggery law. But I will. I welcome all fact-loving, well-thinking Jamaicans to stand with me.
We are Jamaicans, we stand for sexual purity and the family.
Daniel Thomas
Love March Movement
Lies and deception fuel the homosexual lobby