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Act now on the Observer editorial... for law and order

Dear Editor,

Well, well, wonders never cease. China's former Communist leader Chairman Mao once noted that "diehards are hard but not hard unto death". For a long time I was sure that he said that only because he had never met any Jamaicans. Now, after reading, and rereading, your editorial of November 25 on the urgency for law and order, maybe, just maybe, there is light at the end of the Jamaican tunnel.

When one of our two major newspapers asserts "by whatever means necessary, law and order, as directed by the State, must replace the dons and gangs" and "If, in the view of some, that would make Jamaica a police state, then so be it" it is time for our leaders to sit up and act.

Jamaicans have been moaning and wringing their hands over crime for decades, yet whenever anyone proposes anything that would actually ameliorate the situation, the same voices are the first to yell about "human rights". These voices conveniently forget that the supreme human right is the right to life, a right denied to more than a thousand Jamaicans every year.

So, let's get serious. Act now on the Observer editorial. Scrap the preliminary inquiry system entirely. Ditto the unworkable jury system. Most countries get along just fine without it. Revise the archaic rules of evidence. Deploy the Jamaica Defence Force full time in law enforcement. Do what we seem to love to do so much: copy our former colonial masters in Britain. But, this time, do what they did in Northern Ireland by introducing preventative detention with a strong independent review panel. Bring back capital punishment.

This patient called Jamaica is too far gone for the band-aids and aspirins we have been trying for so long. The radical surgery called for in your editorial is the only way out. Otherwise, we will be wringing our hands and asking for divine intervention forever.

Errol W.A. Townshend

16 Turtledove Grove

Scarborough, Ontario

Canada M1X 2B2

Act now on the Observer editorial... for law and order



Dear Editor,

It is quite unfortunate that the situation of 13 Jamaicans being turned away by Trinidad and Tobago immigration officials has escalated the tensions between these two islands.

I, along with many other Jamaicans, live and work in Trinidad and Tobago. The majority of those I interact with on a regular basis have treated me quite well. I have been welcomed and accepted as family here, even though I have no blood ties to the country.

I do understand the plight of these Jamaicans who were reportedly ill-treated by T&T immigration officials, but blanket statements of hatred destroy diplomatic ties and boycotts cannot be the answer.

There must be opportunities for civil dialogue and mutual understanding between the two countries. Yes, the negatives are often highlighted when it comes to 'Jamtrinbagonian' relations, but there are also Jamaicans in T&T and T&T citizens in Jamaica making valuable contributions to each other's countries. There are T&T citizens who love Jamaican people and culture and there are Jamaicans who love T&T people and culture.

We don't boycott the United States, Canada or the UK when our citizens are ill-treated, deported or when they give us unfavourable trade agreements; so why is this the automatic response when our citizens are ill-treated by Caricom countries?

Where is the call for stopping diplomatic relations and placing trade levies on the developed countries that deport our citizens in droves each year? If a Jamaican is refused entry into the United States, even while in possession of a valid US visa, this does not cause Jamaicans to lash out against the US.

The Jamaica Observer reported that in the period 2010 - 2013, 54,362 Jamaicans were admitted into Trinidad and Tobago without any problems, while 1,962 were sent back. This means that 96.5 per cent of Jamaicans travelling to Trinidad and Tobago met the requirements for entry and only 3.5% did not. Let us examine the facts clearly showing why these persons were turned away. Are there any statistics to compare with the percentage of Jamaicans denied entry from other countries?

Were the 13 persons sent back treated respectfully? No, they were not, but we must resort to mending diplomatic relations in a civil manner without the vitriol being spewed from both sides. Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago have a lot to teach each other and a lot to learn from each other, and it is time we put aside our differences and work things out in an amicable way.

Nicole Brown




Jamaica's real leadership challenge

Dear Editor,

Jamaica has a prime minister who is afraid of the press and a leader of the Opposition who dislikes bright people, interesting. Now, if you are a bright journalist you will have a hard time interviewing either.

I am not being cynical, I believe that we are being a bit hard on the prime minister; after all, K D Knight and others have told us that the she isn't a spontaneous speaker, few people are. But that doesn't excuse her boorish behaviour towards members of the press who are only doing their job. We need to have hard questions answered and the prime minister doesn't get the privilege to decide what questions to answer.

If the prime minister hosted regular press conferences this wouldn't happen, we would have a well-informed public, whether the news was good or bad. But, then again, if she cannot think on her feet we would still be at square one.

I am slowly beginning to agree that the prime minister, Peter Bunting, Peter Phillips, Ronald Thwaites, and most of the Cabinet are doing the best that they can, but it just isn't enough. Oh, add to that list the commissioner of police.

The problems we face are seemingly insurmountable and the level of thinking to overcome them is sparse. Can the Opposition make a difference? I don't know. But unless we stop exporting bright people, stop shunting them aside instead of occupying their minds productively we will always be in trouble.

A country that utilises its bright people is clean and orderly. We have to find a way to revisit the waste to energy project, make garbage disposal into a business, like the scrap metal business. Then we will have a cleaner society.

We need bright people to come up with innovative projects in pharmaceutics, electronics and computer peripherals, farming, medicine, etc. As long as we have to export trained talented people we will always have developmental challenges. Bright people are innovative, always offering alternative ideas. A leader who is not secure, whether in government or business, will always fear bright people. Therefore, bright people need more than ordinary leadership or their ideas will be viewed as threatening and will be subdued by an insecure leader. If we had a secure, confident leader then Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago couldn't be treating our citizens the shameful way they do. Singaporeans don't have to put up with eye scans, fingerprint and have to remove their shoes or strip searches to enter the United States, because they live in a respected country. When will we?

Mark Clarke

Siloah, St Elizabeth


Jamaica's real leadership challenge



Dear Editor,

As a Trinidad and Tobago national studying journalism in Jamaica, I think it is time I make my comments on this issue of the 13 Jamaican nationals being denied entry into Trinidad, especially as I am seeing at my doorsteps the sort of tension and uproar this is causing between us.

Firstly, might I say how disappointed I am in the Jamaica Observer front page story published on the matter, which I think has set the agenda of sourness and bitterness in people. Your headline of 'Stay out' and your lead for the story was purely sensational, made assumptions, and seemed very bias. Many persons, as a result of this, have just sapped up what you said which gives the impression that Trinbagonians just hate Jamaicans. As a matter of fact, since I've been in this country, I realise that this is just a lie and a generalisation that stories like this are only perpetuate.

The incident which iccurred is a sad one, but the matter is still in its early stages. However, I was glad to see that statements were made on behalf of Trinidad and Tobago by our national security minister.

According to him, the persons denied entry did not all have proper documentation, etc, to be allowed entry into the country; such as claiming to have employment or saying that your had a host but unsure of their address, or coming for vacation without money. This is not something that happens to Jamaicans alone. It happens to Trinbagonians travelling to other countries. A passport, and a Caricom passport at that, does not give you an automatic entry into any country if 'yuh papers' not in order. I think somewhere along the line we have misunderstood what this free movement within Caricom means. Much of us Caricom nationals, inclusive of my fellow Trinbagonians, have not the slightest clue about the Caricom Skills Certificate, or even how it is accessed. Somehow I feel that the ruling of the Shanique Myrie case by the CCJ is making people feel that 'hey, I could travel where I want and stay how long I please' and that we can no longer be denied entry into another Caricom state. And if we are, as the Jamaica Observer puts it, this is in 'direct breach of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas'... nonsense.

Just last month a couple Jamaicans were denied entry into Trinidad and the High Commissioner of Jamaica to T&T said that, upon investigation, they were in complete agreement with the grounds for the denial.

It is unfortunate that it appears my country is being anti-Jamaica and that some Jamaicans feel all of us in the Caribbean hate them and are jealous of them for their sporting and musical talent, while truth is "nuff" of us hashtaging #teamtessane and #teamcaribbean every monday when The Voice is on, and our radio stations play more dancehall than local music from Ash Wednesday till about November.

I do hope in depth investigations into the matter are done quickly and that if discrimination did occur, requisite reprimand be done, because that should not be tolerated.

And for the stupid Trinis making remarks about 'Oh, we doh want them here... get out we country'. And Jamaicans calling us mere pebbles and rocks in the ocean, grow up, travel a little more and learn new cultures, appreciate diversity, and act educated and make informed statements. I wait for the day we can all appreciate the Caribbean for its uniqueness. Too much fish market rambling going on with this matter, and our panties and boxers are on too tight.

Kearn Williams




OBSERVER ONLINE READERS COMMENT: Busta caused all of this Caribbean disunity

Dear Editor,

In a way, this is the chickens coming home to roost. If Jamaica, under [Alexander] Bustamante, had not sabotaged the Caribbean Federation, this ‘crab in a barrel’ mentality among the islands would have never reached this point.

A Caribbean Federation which includes Haiti and Cuba would have a population bigger than the US State of California, which by itself is considered the 12th largest economy in the world.

A Federation would enable the region to have more leverage in negotiating trade deals and would create the technology transfer necessary to uplift the economies in the region as companies would be required to locate their high technology manufacturing in the region in exchange for selling their goods (see Venezuela's deal with Samsung to build an electronics plant there as an example).

The Jamaica Manufacturers Association (JMA) is being duplicitous in this manner because its members have the means to lower their costs by investing in renewable energy for their facilities, thus making their products more competitive.

Unfortunately, they, like the government, have developed a beggar mentality and want something for very little and thus their stance on the Trinidad issue.

A boycott is a refreshing, though emotional, exercise in self-determination among the masses. However, it should not be used as an opportunity to play into the hands of those who oppose the region's goal of economic independence.

It would nice and more conducive to regional unity if Jamaicans would boycott products from the Dominican Republic due to their racial abuse of our Haitian Brothers and Sisters. Especially since the both Haitians and Jamaicans supported each other in the fight against slavery and, since citizens of both countries are now wrongly considered the region's pariahs.



Dear Editor,

Has anyone ever asked (Usain) Bolt what would be his alternative to a strike? Instead of assassinating the man's character, we should ask him to clarify his statement.

Bolt has done more for track and field, athletes, and the image of Jamaica than anyone in the history of the sport.

If Bolt should strike, who would he be hurting the most?

The Jamaican Government? No. The Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association (JAAA)? No. The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO)? No.

It would be us the fans that have supported and defended our athletes through thick and thin, and who want to see them continuing to be world-beaters, while proving the detractors wrong — those that are now accusing them of cheating.

Bolt said that he would not strike because it is his "job". Ask yourself the question, what is his job?

His job is to continue running and putting up fast times; continue to keep a dying sport alive; and continue to give us that love track and field hope that not every great performance is as a result of cheating. How would striking accomplish that?

He should continue to be his playful self (what some people call "hype") to keep millions watching and cheering. And if he ends up making millions, then so what? He has given us a lot!

Should Bolt strike? No. He cannot strike, because it is his "job".

Courtney Williams

Where are the jobs?

Dear Editor,

On the three-day journey from August 9-11, there were over 1,000 enthused NCU graduates, while earlier in this month there were over 1,500 graduates from the University of the West Indies, and there is no doubt that the University of Technology, Jamaica, reflected about the same number of graduates. Bear in mind that there are numerous other tertiary institutions that I have not mentioned which also had recent graduation ceremonies. So after 3-4 years of late-night studies, and nerve-wracking exams, and just basically hard labour, what is there to celebrate about?

Do they celebrate the fact that they are still sane, made the honours list, and can now walk out into the world armed with degrees? But, what world will they walk into? Oh, welcome to the world of unemployment.

Most of these graduates have not been able to receive a job, nor do they see any promising signs. Did I mention that our job fairs are already jam-packed and bursting at the seams, with so many leaving them without employment? With so many qualified graduates, tapping their feet and waiting, what is the government doing?

We remember the famous promise of "jobs, jobs and more jobs", which encouraged so many voters to dash to polling stations to mark their "X". Can the JEEP accommodate all these graduates or even just squeeze one more? We as a country do not see or hear of the Government, specifically the Minister of Labour, doing anything to invest in this country's wealth.

The Government needs to make the public aware of the employment-boosting ideas they have and not just leave these young people hanging. Additionally, they need to implement a long-term employment system which guarantees job opportunities for our graduates, as obviously the JEEP is at the repair shop or it has indeed been repossessed.

Tash-Shawna Doeman


Where are the jobs?


Journalists need a manual

Dear Sir Editor ,

I was there in Rose Town for the incident on 21st Novemember that involved Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and a journalist, who insisted on a interview with her about Richard Azan's reappointment. I think the reporter was totally indisciplined and rude. The prime minister entertained him by answering his question in the first stage and then she said to him that she was presently dealing with Rose Town so why not ask her about that issue.

The young man insisted and pushed the mic into her face and that was when her security personnel intervened and decided to "ease him off her". The prime minister then asked the security officer, essentially, to stand down.

I think the Press Association should issue a manual regarding the boundaries for journalists in Jamaica. I think there should be some boundaries. The word is going around about freedom of press, and some of these persons don't even know what went on as they were not there to witness what went on.

My question to journalists is, aren't there some other issues in Jamaica for you people to pursue instead of following up the case of Richard Azan. I think it is mischievous, because the relevant process has been done, and the director of public prosecutions has cleared Mr Azan of all charges. He has now been reassigned his duties by the prime minister, so what's the deal.

Media houses, you need to wake up and find some other important issues to follow up. That's my impression.

Mark Bell Honourable



Journalists need a manual


Disappointed in Senator Johnson-Smith

Dear Editor,

Today, I am more than disappointed with Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Senator Kamina Johnson-Smith.

After hearing her contribution in the Senate on the motion to have teenage mothers returned to mainstream schooling, I was elated. I said to myself, 'here is a person with an independent mind on whom we can rely to bring some form of balance to the Senate' although she was appointed by the Opposition JLP.

It is only now that the surfacing of these undated letters is telling us that clearly Senator Kamina Johnson-Smith was not acting of her own volition, but with a noose around her neck. The signing of these undated letters, giving the leader of the Opposition, the power to date and deliver them to the goveror general, if and when he feels like, is very troubling.

Now that the matter of these letters are before the consitutional courts, I believe that in order to restore her credibility as a senator, she should disclose to us the rationale behind signing the letter, and whether what former Senator Arthur Williams said was the reason for signing them is true. If she will not speak up and clarify her position on this issue, I say shame on you, Madam. You have resigned from a position that you never truly held.

Senator Johnson, you owe it to those who had placed confidence in you to restore that confidence and your crediblity as your ability to argue with an independent mind surely has been compromised.

And, while you are at it, I would suggest that you encourage your collegue senators to do the same.

Ralston Chamberlain


Disappointed in Senator Johnson-Smith


Unfair call, Dr Gomes

Dear Editor,

The recent call for the head of the commissioner of police by Dr Carolyn Gomes of Jamaicans for Justice is most unfair and unjustified. She inherently submits that the murder rate for 2013 would be a cause of concern for even a First World country, much less for little Jamaica, but she offers no suggestion as to what the commissioner should have done, or be doing, to stem this haemorrhage, short of stopping them before they occurred.

Now, a First World country's murder rate requires First World crime-fighting equipment. Is Dr Gomes saying the commissioner of police should be preventing these murders from taking place in the first place; eg, murders which could have had their inception from perceived infidelity, family disputes over land or sheer Jamaican-provoked rage -- that surely cannot be the job of any commissioner of police. What about murders where criminal groups have killed their own members or rivals? I would think that this batch would be welcomed by the commissioner of police. But those are just practical aspects of the problem which just cannot be laid at the commissioner's feet.

The real questions Dr Gomes should have asked of the commissioner is, "Do you have the modern machinery and manpower? Are your patrol cars equipped with computers that can give information of every licensed vehicle on the road within seconds? Have you got the firepower that can match what he knows to be on the streets? Does he have under his command the necessary manpower that he needs to really police this island? When she is satisfied that he has been provided with all the above, and has failed, then, and only then, can she call for his removal.

Furthermore, has Dr Gomes ever stopped to consider what the life of a police officer and family members entail. They do not know if they will be coming home that evening, moreso than the regular civilian. So, I would make bold to suggest to Dr Gomes to try a different approach in your dealing with the police. Instead of calling for his removal for reasons that are beyond his control, go and sit with him and try to find out how your organisation can help him in his mammoth task.

Next thing, demonstrate to the rank and file of the Force that you are not the enemy. I have heard complaints from them that neither Dr Gomes, nor her organisation, has ever attended the funeral of a police officer who was murdered in the line of duty. And some have gone further to say that your name should be changed from Jamaicans for Justice to "Jamaicans for just us".

The police are the most un-loved and unappreciated, yet are most vital members of a stable society. Steps have been taken to discourage those who might be tempted down the path of corruption; Dr Gomes should join forces with them to advocate for the police to be adequately equipped to protect the country in the 21st century.

Howard Hamilton, CD, QC

Duke Street


Unfair call, Dr Gomes


Let mercy abound

Dear Editor,

The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven, it is twice blessed:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes

Tis mightier than the mightiest,

It becomes The throned monarch better than his crown

It is cultured in the hearts of kings

It is an attribute to God himself

An earthly power doth then show like Gods

When mercy seasons justice.

— William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice

I learnt the above excerpt as a child at my father's feet, and I have never forgotten it. When I woke up this morning and I heard all the issues swirling around in our society and the chaotic atmosphere created by them, I thought of it.

I think of the latest challenge by Jamaicans for Justice calling for the police commissioner to resign. How savage and merciless is that?

I think of Andrew Holness's decision to axe men who have served his party well, now being slaughtered by him purely to satisfy narrow self-interest.

I think of Richard Azan, who many think is not worthy of forgiveness. Why can't his deeds be considered an unintentional mistake? Is he really the villain that many make him out to be?

I think of Darren Sammy. So many sports enthusiasts, including Tony Becca, wanted him dropped; yet he mercifully vindicated himself scarcely two days after by guiding the West Indies to victory over India.

I think of Jamaica Teachers' Association and its hateful ambition to wage an attack against Minister of Education Ronald Thwaites.

I think of Lisa Hanna, like the commissioner, burdened by a thankless job which is highly under-resourced, again mercilessly attacked by JFJ.

I think of the treacherous move by Anne Shirley and Dr Paul Wright against WADA, presumably in the interest of the very programme their comments were designed to destroy. All the time, so unlike the kings mentioned by Shakespeare, straining mercy instead of delivering it in its purest form like the rain from heaven.

God up above has granted us his mercy redeeming us to himself. Is it fair to expect the mercy of God if we ourselves fall short of God's glory and ever so often fall on our knees to beg God for forgiveness. Who is perfect among us?

In every case mentioned above we know of no better substitute for those whom people want to mercilessly sacrifice, yet we persist. To what end, I wonder?

The Bible says he who is without sin, let him throw the first stone. We talk about corruption as if only the police and politicians and those in the employ of the State apparatus are corrupt. Not so. The man who speaks wrongly and acts in furtherance of those wrong thoughts is corrupt in mind. Those who witness wrong and only talk about it, instead of moving a muscle to find a solution, are equally corrupt.

Could this be the real reason that Jamaica can never prosper? Look at the world around us. Richard Nixon and many like him in America have received presidential pardon. Many even now, including Mayor Ford of Canada, continue in office without even half the excitement that we generate.

Clive Stewart


Let mercy abound


Safe movement for all

Dear Editor,

As a motorist driving through the streets of Kingston, it burns my heart to see wheelchair-bound individuals competing with motor vehicles for space on the streets.

Truth be told, there is no alternative, as our politicians, past and present, lack the necessary vision and foresight to upgrade our sidewalks to accommodate these persons.

I cringe at the thought of a careless driver running into one of these defenceless persons. God forbid, I hope this never happens, but in the meantime I'm praying for the day when these persons can be accommodated on the sidewalk.

Wayne Clarke


Safe movement for all


I heard hope...

Dear Editor,

I saw hope last night. I heard hope last night in St William Grant Park, downtown Kingston, at the Kingston and St Andrew Corporation's Annual Christmas Tree Lighting event.

All in attendance stood for the National Anthem, played by a musician on a keyboard. As the musician concluded the traditional first verse of the anthem and was walking off the stage, and everyone started to sit; I heard it.

It began almost as a whisper and grew louder. Gradually it dawned on me, and everyone else, that the children's choir from Hagley Park Primary -- none older than 13 -- and who would perform later, remained standing and had begun to sing the second verse of the anthem.

All heads turned in their direction and everyone remained standing and sang with them.

Thank you, Hagley Park Primary. There is hope.

Errol K Miller


LIME Foundation

I heard hope...


Caricom unity at risk

Dear Editor,

If the 13 Jamaicans who were sent back from Trinidad by immigration authority have legitimate cases they should have sought the help of their embassy in Trinidad and contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade on their return. They instead chose to come to your newspaper for photo ops and a story. Now Opposition MPs and other political activists have begun calling for the boycott of Trinidad-made imported goods.

This whole scenario comes on the heels of the excellent work done by the Government of Jamaica in handling the Shanique Myrie case, with the Caribbean Court of Justice coming to our shores for a part of the trial.

This all seems key to this orchestrated campaign against Caricom unity.


St Andrew

Caricom unity at risk


This banner of consensus

Dear Editor,

We must be wary of persons who propagate the gospel of consensus, because we do not know their true intentions. The prime minister and members of her Administration enjoy using terms like "consultation and transparency" but, based on their actions, we now know that these sentiments mean nothing to them. An Administration that believes in transparency would do more to accommodate the media.

Since, this Administration is more adept at winning elections than the Opposition, there seems to be an inherent belief in some quarters that the People's National Party (PNP)

owns Jamaica, and anyone attempting to dispel this myth is often accused of undermining the present Administration. And it appears that Portia Simpson Miller is a fervent believer in this doctrine, because her actions do not imply otherwise.

Although she was highly critical of the previous Administration, it is now blasphemous for anyone to suggest that her Administration is corrupt or members of the party are performing below par. Therefore, taxpayers should not have a problem with the tribalism of Glendon Harris, the incompetence of Peter Bunting, the aloofness of Anthony Hylton, nor the arrogance of Richard Azan.

After all, it should not concern us when Bills are passed in Parliament without debate, because the PNP knows what is best for Jamaica. And, why should we have an interest in the cost of the prime minister's foreign excursions when she is only accountable to the PNP?

Unfortunately, several individuals have bought into the idea, that the PNP is only answerable to the PNP, some are even claiming that the media should "tread with caution" when dealing with the prime minister. This is a faulty argument because there was no backlash when the media was barred from accessing important meetings, so the press is indeed "treading with caution". But the prime minister is not accountable to the public, so no journalist should badger her with serious questions?

It is also quite ironic that the honourable prime minister is never afraid to give long speeches about sports or comment on positive events, but she never addresses the hard questions.

When the PNP won the election in 2011 it was a victory solely for the PNP, and there was only a consensus between the members of the PNP. By voting for the PNP voters supported this agreement without knowing what the agreement entailed. During the election season, Mrs Simpson Miller's rhetoric was so enticing that most persons opted to forget that her party was never known for accountability or transparency. Though her Administration will never exhibit these qualities, some are still expecting transformation, but blind obedience to bad leadership only reinforces corruption. The more this Administration is appeased, the more corrupt it will become and the people will have no one to blame but themselves.

Lipton Matthews


This banner of consensus


More options to fix JUTC than fare increases

Dear Editor,

As a member of the commuting public, I am very glad to have heard that Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has bent the corner and is on the road to greater viability.

However, like most members of the commuting public I am very much against the idea of increased bus fares, and equally I am resolutely against the reduction of spaces available to schoolchildren and the aged.

It is my view that JUTC needs to take a wider view of its operations and take a baker's approach to its business. Bakers, in general, seek to spread their operating costs and sources of revenue by producing substitutes in production, for example biscuits, breads, bullas, and buns are produced using indentical fixed capital formation and nearly identical variable flows.

The JUTC, for example, owns a training facility in Lake's Pen, Portmore. Couldn't this facility be used to offer paid training for drivers who have a desire of working in Canada and elsewhere? The JUTC operates a bus park in Spanish Town, couldn't revenue be earned from the rental of vending booths built in the same style of the Azan booths in May Pen? Could revenue be earned from the rental of this facility for dances and stage shows? Is it possible for the JUTC Maintenance Department to earn revenue from repairing privately operated trucks, large buses, fork lifts, back hoes etc? The JUTC, by its operation, serves a captive audience who, in the main, is forced to listen and/or watch whatever is offered on the bus. Isn't it possible for the JUTC to operate its own media platform and earn an income from advertisement?

It is my view that it would be very unfortunate and possibly politically unwise for the JUTC to, in the near future, seek to shore up its revenues by introducing another bout of fare increases and further curtailing services to the commuting public . It would be far more acceptable if the company seeks to increase its revenue flows by other means, even if it means employing the director of National Bakery as a consultant.

Basil Fletcher


More options to fix JUTC than fare increases


Treat them as they treat us

Dear Editor,

I was appalled by the way in which immigration officials in Trinidad treated 13 Jamaicans recently, denying them entry into that country. Though I was not a part of that group I feel humiliated and completely disrespected. Our forefathers must be turning in their graves, after fighting to establish a sense of regional pride and unity among Caribbean nations, that Trinidad would treat members of the Caribbean community this way.

Jamaicans, it is time we take a stand, let us continue to treat Trinidadians that reside in Jamaica with our usual warm friendly hospitality, however we must carry out a large scale ban on Trinidadian goods to Jamaica. Trinidad wants to treat us like we don't count, well let's just see. This ban will inevitably have an adverse effect on that country's GDP and a negative trickle-down effect on its employment rate.

We must support our local goods and products of Trinidad out of our shopping carts.

We must continue to support those who support us as a nation.

Jamaica and TT has built an exemplary relationship over the years it is absolutely disgraceful they would now treat us as such.

I wonder what will happen if we cease all imports from Trinidad, what will happen if that well were to ever run dry. Jamaica is a huge contributor to TT's GDP, and if there was to be any halt in the import of goods to Jamaica, TT would surely feel the pressure. Jamaica accumulates about US$132 million in goods from the Caribbean nation, excluding fuel. Jamaica is Trinidad and Tobago's second biggest export market after the United States.

Trinidad cannot and will not sustain itself on oil and natural gas alone. We must come together and stand as one, we live in a country that has so much to offer, let us feed off of that and not buy T&T products in protest over their most unjust actions towards our fellow countrymen.

Roberta Goodwind

Caribbean Estates

St Catherine

Treat them as they treat us


Good move, Shelly

Dear Editor,

The World Anti-Doping Agency has made a firm and definitive statement that if we (Jamaica) don't fix our drug testing and monitoring programme we will be barred from the 2013 Olympic Games. This has triggered a lot of concern among athletes who are of the view that they could be expelled for some other person's drug cheating allegations.

This has placed poster boy for present-day sprinting, Usain Bolt under the spotlight from both competitors, testing agents and sponsors. He is of the view that he has lost a lot of money from these damaging allegations.

Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce is now willing to take a stance if the Jamaican authorities don't try to protect their main treasure from damming allegations. She claims she is willing to put up her spikes, even temporarily, if the authorities do not come out and defend the athletes.

Shelly is so right, because I have been wondering why it has taken so long for someone in authority to make a proactive move to protect their own?

Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission, too, has obviously turned their backs on the Jamaican athletes, which can only harm the athletes in this fiasco. Nobody is saying anything about what has been said. Why? And silence means consent.

I saw Mr Warren Blake of the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association hiding his head during the Veronica Campbell-Brown fiasco under a head cover. If a man afraid to face the public in situations like this, I will have to question his competence in protecting me. Why are we paying him? He has no moral authority to engage in affairs for us, because this was a cowardice act?

Paris Taylor

Greater Portmore


Good move, Shelly


No United States of the Caribbean

Dear Editor,

A basic tenet of democracy is that it is the will of the people that prevails or, as Edmund Barton put it, "..creating a nation requires the will of the people". Here in the Caribbean, we have some leaders trying to create a United States of the Caribbean called Caricom, without the will and consent of the Jamaican people. For, if we go back to just over half century ago, it was definitely not the will of the Jamaican people.

However, based on the "school tie concept", some leaders in the English-speaking Caribbean are determined to push the idea of Caribbean unity down the throats, all because the colonisers had left us with the concept of the British West Indies and West Indies cricket.

While it is true that the people of the eastern Caribbean are one big family — and this even includes from Guadeloupe, Martinique because of their proximity to the rest — those of us in the western Caribbean have no such ties that bind. The proximity of these islands mean that when you are born in Grenada, hopping over to school in Trinidad is normal or to Kittitians, having Christmas dinner with relatives in Antigua is the norm, so they know each other and are close family; unlike us, who are virtual strangers, apart from the parochial UWI trained politicians. For the man in the street in Jamaica there is no relationship or even knowledge about the people or culture in the eastern territories. In fact, many Jamaicans know so little about the other Caricom member countries that it is not unusual to hear my countrymen referring to Guyanese as "small islanders". Neither do the people of the eastern Caribbean know much about us. Some even think of us all as being gun-toting, trigger-happy people, and only realise that the country is relatively peaceful and we are like them in many ways when they visit.

It is the fact that we know so little about each other that makes our being a part of Caricom so counterproductive. And, besides, in terms of trade, we are too far from the eastern Caribbean and their populations too small to make free trade advantageous. In terms of free travel throughout the region, the difficulties we are having are mainly because the man in the street knows nothing about us and judges us by the statistics that put us in the top five murder capitals of the world.

In short, until regional unity becomes accepted from the ground level, and the UWI school tie clique can prove to us that there are practical benefits and less counterproductive reasons for us to get closer to our eastern Caribbean cousins, apart from it being the wish of our leaders, most of us will never willingly accept this shot-gun marriage.

Joan Williams


No United States of the Caribbean


Our great history is not recorded

Dear Editor,

Recently I got a framed photograph — left behind by a deceased person "Cutty"— of former boxing champions Leon Spinks, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Larry Holmes, and Mohammed Ali — the greatest.

I took the photograph to Boys' Town, where there is a successful boxing programme, causing much stir as the elders tried to name the boxers. Many were not able to identify all; except the one and only "Ali". Of course, the present crop of youth was not able to identify any of the champions.

Immediately I recognised something that is often said about people of colour; that we do not go about preserving our heritage and history for the future generations. I am, however, certain that my siblings and friends would be able to identify Ali as they grew up hearing us speak glowingly of the man who was more than a boxer, but a champion to his people. They would know that Ali lost his title outside the ring, in the prime of his life, because he stood up to powerful "Uncle Sam" and opposed the Vietnam War because of his religious beliefs and principles. They would know that, unlike many of our present sporting heroes, who distanced themselves of affecting the masses of the people for fear of losing lucrative endorsement deals, seeing Ali excluded by the system. Eldridge Clever wrote that until the arrival of Ali, all other black champions were like "a lion in the ring and a pussycat outside".

The love for Ali is deep and long lasting, with men openly in conversations expressing admiration which was usually only done for their women folk. During the period when he was fighting, a number of women (including my mother) followed up his fights, because of his sheer attractiveness and to see if he would make good on the regular predictions:

"Archie has been living off the fat of the land. I am here to give him his pension plan....

When you come to the fight, don't block the aisle, don't block the door, because you may all go home after round four." Needless to say the fight ended in round four. Ali inspired many, his legend should be passed down to generations.

Karl Goodison


Our great history is not recorded

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