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ONLINE READERS COMMENT: What's an 'Off-Duty' Policeman?

Dear Editor,

All cops should be defined as being on duty all the time because you have to take some action if you see an offence being committed.

If you don't you can be brought before the court and it's a very serious offence. A lot of cops don't carry home a firearm but are still expected to take some action if they observe criminal activity. And if in doing so they are killed, then you will hear the term “Off-Duty Officer”.

This is so because the government pays less death benefit to the dependents of a so-called “Off-Duty Officer”. It's a thankless job.

You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The question of when a cop is off duty has never been defined, not even in the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

A cop’s job is very tough and full of intricacies.

Silk ‘the smooth one'

When will the change begin?

Dear Editor,

"Nobody did anything because everyone was waiting on somebody to do something."

"He said that she said that..."

"If he does not, then why should I?"

I wonder if slavery would ever have come to an end with the kind of mindset from which these statements come and is prevalent in this generation of youngsters.

Imagine Nanny, Paul Bogle, George Williams Gordon, Marcus Garvey, Sir Alexander Bustamante, Norman Washington Manley, and Samuel Sharpe all waiting on someone else to push for freedom. They took the bull by the horns and today we are able to educate ourselves, vote and freely live the life we want to live.

It is time we realise that change does not come on a whim. It takes effort. It is time we see the future for what we hope we had today, and begin the initiate the changes that will bring that future to reality. Stop waiting on someone else. We all must look more at what we can and need to do and just do it.

Be the change you would like to see. Like the three musketteers, "All for one and one for all."

Just as our heros fought for our freedom let us begin the fight for a better Jamaica. We can and we must.

Christine Barrett


When will the change begin?


More to bank fees that they are saying

Dear Editor,

Former Prime Minister Bruce Golding has chimed in and seems to justify the high fees and charges that commercial banks levy on their customers. No one will disagree that banks should covers costs and make a profit. However, the reasons given for these "much to do about nothing" high fees, according to Patrick Hylton, is not the whole truth.

Apart from the high salaries paid to top brass staff in the banks, the banks lose millions of dollars every year through fraud and theft, a loss that, I think, is passed on to customers. Bank fraud is more prevalent than we think. We should remember some time ago a resident magistrate, in response to the number of bank employee on fraud cases before her, declared in the Half-Way-Tree court words to the effect that: I will have to go up there (to the bank) to ask what is happening.

It is an open secret that there are embedded white collar criminals, some of whom are bank employees, even managers; civil servants in the tax and motor vehicle department; etc who attempt fraud on banks.

I am privy to a case where a fraudster presented a withdrawal slip at a branch of a certain bank. An alert employee discovered the fraud and reported to management. Sadly, no one bothered to call the police; they simply told the fraudster to go to the branch where the account was opened. Tell me, what kind of response is that? One hopes they set up a sting operation.

Someone from the banking industry should tell us how much banks have lost through fraud. While we are at it, Mr Hylton should tell us, in light of this high fees and charges, has the service to customers improved? And why does it take a customer, on a given day, an average of two hours to conduct a transaction, yet banks are cutting staff?

I think that it is a problem that stinks to high heavens.

Authnel Reid


More to bank fees that they are saying



Dear Editor,

I would like to commend the Sunday Observer for the article 'Clancy Watson focuses on his craft after prison setback' in yesterday's edition. It is really great that we are featuring this very small manufacturer and I'm sure this highlight will help to boost his business.

Please consider a regular weekly column where local small Jamaican manufacturers and their products of every kind can be highlighted so that we can see what we have and support our own. I believe there are many local manufacturers producing quality products. I am not a manufacturer, but I would like to see local products being exposed on a regular basis to make Jamaicans more aware of the wonderful products that are being made here.

I see great hope for Jamaica despite the many negatives of crime, the economy and the sliding dollar.

For example, in the skincare and haircare line there are brands like Naniki Naturals with body lotions, body scrubs, candles, soaps and the ingredients are natural. There is also Adzua that makes lotions and body butters. Yono Corp in Temple Hall makes body perfumes, lotions, body washes that are of a high quality and could better any

imported product.

There are also local leather goods makers and artisans, eg D'NexStep Sandals, that make genuine leather goods of a high quality.

Local company Spur Tree Spices saw explosive growth in 2012, and Jamaican chocolatier Chocolate Dreams is reviving the local chocolate industry and is now exporting to Antigua. Our ginger is the best, our cocoa is among the top 8 in the world, and Jamaican coffee is top-notch.

There are many other such great stories that need to be told. What we have here is very good; cast a light on it, expose 'made In Jamaica' products and enlighten the public of these great things to build national pride and help build

the economy.

I have done a wide research and am very impressed with what we have locally. Whereas a lot of people seem to be losing hope in this country, there are signs of real hope here.

Keisha Buchanan, MD

Tangerine Place




Open letter to CHEC

Dear Editor,

As you clearly know there is grave concern about your planned development of the Goat Islands in the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA). We have been to your website and note that you have removed your environmental policy statement. The recent Business Week online magazine notes that China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) is involved in environment protection and recalls that your firm has done some good for the environment (ie, Trash Racks, Powerful Guard of Primitive Tropical Sea, and statements concerning preserving the pristine area of the Red Sea).

"In order to protect this beautiful sea area, the project team went through careful surveys, profound research and repeated tests, and made trash racks of reasonable cost, which proved significantly effective in environmental protection."

Now, knowing that the PBPA is an environmentally sensitive area and has several IUCN-listed endangered and critically endangered species, why would you pursue construction in the area? This does not seem to be in line with your stated policies.

CHEC was told that other locations would be better suited for this project. Yet the scoping study delivered to Parliament in October 2013 was tailor-made for this "development".

We are calling for an immediate halt to the purposed trans-shipment port in the PBPA and suggest you look at one of the other sites that was purposed by the GOJ.

Jamaica's Charter of Rights Section 13 (3)(l) protects "the right to enjoy a healthy and productive environment free from the threat of injury or damage from environmental abuse and degradation of the ecological heritage".

The PBPA belongs to the people of Jamaica and is held in trust by the GOJ. The citizens have not given their collective consent to sell and are raising concerns about such a development on their property.

We direct you to http://www.change.org/petitions/no-to-port-on-goat-island-jamaica-no-trans-shipping-port-portland-bight-protected-area-Jamaica. Read some of the comments the citizens have made. Listen to what they are saying in ever- increasing numbers, and reconsider your plans. We ask on behalf of the more than 4,600 petition signers, over 1,000 active Facebook members, and the species of the PBPA.

Steven G Smith

NO! to port on Goat Islands/PBPA, Jamaica


Open letter to CHEC


Help Harbour View preserve its good name

Dear Editor,

In recent times, sections of the media, perhaps inadvertently, have been naming Harbour View as the location for some serious acts of criminality, including murder and arson.

For the benefit of those who do not know, or have been misled, the Harbour View Citizens' Association would like it to be known that these acts were not committed in the community of Harbour View -- the housing development of 1,865 houses established by the West Indies Home Contractors in 1959-60 with clearly defined boundaries.

It is divided into east and west by the Hope River. The western side begins at Harbour Drive and ends at Riverside Drive. The eastern side begins at Orion Avenue and ends at Stella Road.

When Harbour View was established, there was nothing beyond the hillside boundaries, except for the Historic

Martello Tower.

Bayshore Park, an adjoining community on the western side, began as a housing development by a private developer, but was later abandoned. It was divided into lots but no houses were then built.

Today, there are several communities adjoining Harbour View, namely, Bayshore Park, Harbour Heights, Melbrook Heights, St Benedict's Heights and, most recently, Crushers.

The media need to be specific in naming communities in which criminal activity takes place, or where any action of note takes place, for that matter.

The citizens of Harbour View are very concerned that the good name of the community is being unnecessarily tarnished.

Harbour View Citizens' Association

c/o Orion Archat



Help Harbour View preserve its good name


What is the cost of the Chinese currency to Jamaica?

Dear Editor,

When will we, as a nation, begin to stand on our own feet instead of looking for a benefactor to solve our problems? When will we come to the conclusion that our problems are of our making and therefore we are the only ones who can

solve them?

The Chinese cannot and will not solve our problems. Reliance on the Chinese currency is not and will not be the solution.

The solution begins with 1. Law and order; we need laws that make no distinction between the handcart man and the prime minister, everyone equal under the law. Laws that protect the environment and expand individual rights through the establishment of independent democratic institutions.

2. Respect for private property; get rid of the oxymoron squatter rights. Rid the country of praedial larceny and its supporters. If you want to "eat a food", let it be from the "sweat of your

own brow".

This Goat Islands logistics hub project is "hooking-up" with Chinese money. We need to usher in new industries while promoting competition. Competition is the job-creator, not a new minister, not foreigners building a port for us. Give real support to education and scientific inquiry. We have 87 per cent of Jamaicans who earn a university degree eventually leaving the country. These are our best and brightest, the risk takers and the job creators. We need them.

Establishing these two basic tenets is the only path to economic prosperity: law and order and respect for private property. All the prosperous democratic nations of the world have both. Do the Chinese? Think on it.

Barrington Murray, MD FACOG


What is the cost of the Chinese currency to Jamaica?


Truly, the barbarity must end!

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your editorial of January 31, 2014 entitled "This barbarity must end! Get rid of the scum!" I have argued for some time that we have to take a more cerebral and less emotional and reactionary approach to the problem of crime. The difficult and inconvenient truth is that the root causes of crime lie within us, our society and our people.

Sadly, we have allowed ourselves to become a people who revel in aggression, intimidation and vulgarity. Instead of vilifying and maligning the proponents of such behaviour, we embrace them. When our politicians on both sides of the aisle watched political violence rise, thus plunging Jamaica into one of its darkest and most shameful eras, we remained largely silent. When many of our citizens shamelessly plundered and looted businesses during the chaos following Hurricane Gilbert, we laughed and looked the other way. When our musicians infiltrated our airwaves with their crude and violent lyrics, we rewarded them with our patronage and our money. We granted them media interviews and splashed their photos across our newspapers. We elevated them to celebrity status and made them role models for ourselves and our children. Some of our pseudo-intellectuals even defended them. "They're just reflecting the society," they said.

We allowed terms such as "bad man", "don man", "killa", "gyalist", and "gangsta" to enter our lexicon as terms of endearment. Silently we watched as our families fell apart, as our men and women were marginalised, and as respect for our traditional pillars of the society slowly eroded. Slowly the fabric of our society has been unravelling. And yet we have done nothing. Were we too blind to see or just too foolish to understand that there would be consequences?

Additionally, many of us have allowed ourselves to become too indifferent to the cries of the poor and disenfranchised. Why bother with them when we are ourselves doing OK? Few of us seem to realise that the little boy we chase away from washing our motor vehicle windscreens at the stoplight will, in a few years, be a fully grown man and, without some type of intervention, could soon be slinging a deadly weapon rather than a squeegee. We have abandoned the poor, leaving them trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and despair.

Of course, not all criminals are from the bowels of the poor, nor are all poor persons destined for lives of crime. But few can challenge the powerful nexus between poverty, desperation and criminality. Today, therefore, the responsibility for rehabilitating our society is not that of the police force or even the Government. In any event, they lack both the ability and the resources (human and material). It is our responsibility. Collectively we now need to slowly begin to right the ship by correcting our core set of values, principles, attitudes and behaviours. The urgency of now demands it. We need to begin rejecting violence, aggression and vulgarity in all its forms, especially in our music and our politics. We must change how we raise our children, particlarly our boys who must be groomed to become responsible husbands and fathers. We must also look at how we treat each other. We may never be able to love each other unconditionally, but we should at least learn how to respect each other. Importantly, we must also learn how to respectfully disagree, recognising that a diversity of opinions, ideas and behaviours strengthens our society.

Most importantly, civil society needs to redouble its efforts to help the poor and disenfranchised. When the poorest among us can also enjoy lives of relative decency, then the wealthiest among us will no longer need to seek refuge in gated communities.

Handel Emery


Truly, the barbarity must end!


Man can live in peace, what of Jamaica?

Dear Editor,

One of the wisest exhortations I have ever read is "Man, know thyself". We are fortunate that diverse research — scientific and spiritual — has provided indications as to how man should be regarded, and therefore governed, for best results.

Firstly it should be clear that an homosapien is an awesome predator, perhaps the greatest predator that ever lived on earth. He is capable of behaving like a wild animal when enraged, nursing a grudge or with some agenda in mind.

If we look at the past century alone, it becomes instantly clear that as we get "smarter" in technology we employ this to enhance the ability to slaughter members of our species. World War II alone saw over 100 million casualties in what many say was a useless, brutal, war to the death.

Whatever the root causes, it is clear that violent slaughter is now a commonplace event in Jamaica. In fact, this has been so from the 15th century as carried out by European predators; what with feeding old slaves as food for mastiffs, scourgings, beating to death, and violent reprisals by rebel slaves, not sparing women and children.

In the present case it is almost useless to call for "divine intervention" to solve our dilemma. We must attempt intelligent action before imploring the creator to do work we should be doing ourselves. In doing so, the most important thing is to ensure that killers, and other criminals, are caught and face justice as laid down by our laws, if found guilty. Some people term this effort "zero tolerance". Reckless indiscipline should not be tolerated.

Having said that, it must be acknowledged that mankind can also live in peace, and this should be encouraged in Jamaica by providing opportunities whereby youth and the poor can have hope of achieving an honest living. No one is completely safe, however rich, if we as a nation collectively continue to ignore the ugly side of poverty. The church and school can help with values and attitudes, but after the "jump up" or other inspirational expression in the sanctuary, or the closing bell sounds, then what?

Cathy Brown


Man can live in peace, what of Jamaica?


A people with a lost identity

Dear Editor,

It is Black History Month again. I wonder how many Afro-Jamaicans remember that or even celebrate it? Jamaicans must be aware of the fact that 95 per cent of the Jamaican population are of African descendant, which means we have "links" to Africa rather than Europe or Asia — from which many of us wish we came.

Due to this interesting fact, I thought that Jamaicans in this modern era of technology and inter-mingling of people of different race, religion and social standing, we would be more appreciating of the different cultures and peoples. However this is not so.

Many Jamaicans, like myself, are still criticised for our black complexion and are often asked if we are really Jamaican. Surprisingly the persons who ask are often black, however they consider themselves to be "brownings"— just to make them feel better.

As a lifelong student of history and sociology, I understand why so many of our people are 'white-washed'. They believe the white lie that "anything black nuh good". This is very heart-breaking to know that our people are stilling suffering from lost identity to consider themselves inferior to someone with lighter skin complexion.

We, as a people, must rise up and renew our minds and free ourselves from mental slavery. We cannot grow our economy when our people fail to love self first. We cannot make Jamaica crime-free if we do not build each other up by using supporting and encouraging words. Look at the Chinese and Indian communities, they are building each other up by first accepting self and history then growing their economics and families. Rise up you Mighty race (Marcus Garvey).

Roger Goodwill


A people with a lost identity


Old guard holding on for life

Dear Editor,

How unfortunate it is that the political arena in Jamaica has restricted, or made very difficult, the entry of new players into the ring. The continual struggle with a failing economy, the disturbing crime rate, and the lack of opportunities for our young Jamaicans is merely the result of old, tired, and clearly failed ideas and efforts of those leaders who have remained at the helm for well beyond their expected tenures.

The same names continue to make newspapers headlines in politics. They continue to flash across our television screens on the nightly news. These same names have continued to hold their positions of authority for decades. So what has changed?

Is the thirst for authority and power so great that it overrides the need for this country to prosper under new and young hands? What efforts have been made to welcome and position young Jamaicans into posts where they can lead and put forth their new, fresh and up-to-date remedies to build this nation?

My one example here will be the Government's delay in its chances to make a profit off marijuana. Knowing when to act and the importance of acting quickly has become pivotal since the dawn of the 20th century. The lackadaisical and apathetic stance on this fruitful investment will not go down well with those investors who are so eager to begin operations.

As the age old saying goes, "time is money". Maybe our politicians are not aware of the viability of marijuana to boost this failing economy because they are so focused on the fact that it is currently deemed illegal on the books. By passing up on such a profitable investment what point are they trying to prove and to who? This is an antiquated attitude that is synonymous with failed efforts. Sadly, they will survive and override the inventions, investments and any other profit-rearing mechanisms which emerge as we try to propel Jamaica forward both financially and socially. As the saying goes, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

Wendy Beswick


Old guard holding on for life


Fear has us by the throat

Dear Editor,

Many people are not willing to watch the news anymore because there is more bad news than good news. When you watch television and read newspapers you are fed a steady diet of crime and tragedies.

What makes our pain and agony more intense is that they are not catching the bitter-hearted killers. We need to conquer these terrorists before before they wipe us out.

How can we eat, sleep, or have a good time when dog-hearted killers are on our heels, taking down so many of our fellow brothers and sisters? Fear has grabbed us wickedly by the throat.

I believe it's more than 25 years now since we are asking the same questions: Where are so many illegal guns coming from? Who are the ones handing them out? But, God help us, as they answers seem to blow away with the wind.

Donald J McKoy

donaldmckoy2010@ hotmail.com

Maybe we should start over

Dear Editor,

Recently, Finance Minister Peter Phillips made a very profound statement. He said that when Jamaica wanted new loans from foreign lending agencies some of them were of the view that more loans would have been a waste. As far as they could see, it would have been better if the Jamaican economy were allowed to crash and then they help us with starting over.

How did we manage to reach the state where major foreign lenders can think that a Jamaican economic collapse would be a good thing for us? I think these external lenders are right. For many years, we have witnessed a dramatic fall in productivity.

There have been several reasons for this. Perhaps the main one is our well-established culture of nonaccountability at all levels. We have politicians who betray the public’s trust and aren’t sanctioned in any real way.

We have public servants who don’t do their work and are ignored. If we were seriously holding these people to account, we would have had a Government and a public service that were actually working. Were we to start over, we would have to ensure that a very strong culture of accountability is established. I especially like the idea of giving the electorate the power to recall non-performing politicians.

That would indeed help.

We have seen how career politicians aren’t always the best for us. What these external financiers said with regad to their pessimism about Jamaica is enough confirmation that our current system of government isn’t working. I have always said that we have very confused national priorities.

If we are to start over, we have to put entertainment where it belongs — on the back burner. Our national priorities should not be entertaining tourists; producing athletes, musicians, poets, pastors, talk-show hosts, and other entertainment activities.

Sure, these have a role to play, but our top priorities should be to produce the scientists, managers, and other skilled technicians who we need to create an economy that the world will notice and a country that will take its rightful place on the world stage.

If we were to start over, we must think like the Singaporeans, who believe that shipbuilding and other heavy industries are more important that athletes. And we must be like the South Koreans who, just a few decades ago, pulled themselves out of poverty on the backs of education, science, technology, and accountability and not on music, sports and lively church sermons.

It is good that China will be building that logistics hub. However, if we had a culture of accountability, science and any sense of greatness we would have done this ourselves a long time ago.

I remember a scene from the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, when the professor was telling the alien that was sent to exterminate all human life that the only way any intelligent species can change is if it is on the brink. If these external financiers had allowed us to reach that brink maybe we would have changed.

An economic collapse of the type that was being prescribed by some of these financiers would have been a total disaster for us. But, after that, we may have had a chance to start over from fresh.

Michael A Dingwall

michael_a_dingwall@ hotmail.com

Non-disclosure agreement protects OUR

Dear Editor,

Print and electronic media have been swirling with excitement surrounding the EWI and the OUR's process of due diligence in opening up the issue of responsible action on the part of any signatory to agreements aimed at protecting proprietary information intended to be held in confidence.

The National Integrity Action committee's chairman, Professor Trevor Munroe, was reported to have been demanding that the OUR make public the information contained in and arising from their investigation concerning EWI's capacity to acquire the requisite financing to effect the 360MW plant.

Not having a dictionary at hand, I consulted Lawmart.com. Those familiar with international finance know that investment capital operates within strict confidentiality guidelines; mumber one on this list is the signing of a mutual non-disclosure non-circumvention agreement. The parties desire to disclose, on a confidential basis, information process, clients business contacts and documents considered confidential and/or proprietary by the parties concerning their respective businesses. The parties wish to maintain the confidentiality nature of the information disclosed. There may be conditional disclosure terms dependent on the type nature of the project.

My question to the NIA is, waa legal advice sought before their request to the OUR?

Munroe, with respect, your organisation professes to want the Government and its agencies to be free from any corrupt behaviour or intent. Obliging your request will require the OUR to breach a contractual agreement. Your stakeholder/ watch dog status does not extend to this.

All are agreed that the local capital cannot fund the programme. We need the help. Failure is not an option.

What if we were to ask where you get your funding?

Orville Silvera


Non-disclosure agreement protects OUR


Tufton, a man of action

Dear Editor,

I note with tremendous interest and consternation the assertions made by Hugh Buchanan, who successfully challenged for the SW St Elizabeth seat, which I formerly held for the Jamaica Labour Party, in your Sunday Observer (February 2, 2014).

Buchanan gained victory in one of the closest electoral contests in our history. He is the people's representative in Parliament, and it is my hope that during his tenure he will discharge his responsibilities to the people in a manner that will be honourable.

It is, however, rather unbecoming of him to make statements as baseless as those attributed to him in the articles. The issues highlighted in support of his claims as the saviour of the constituency can easily be taken apart.

Regarding the Hounslow Agro Park, and the facility operated by Grace:

The previous MP refurbished the small facility and installed a new farmers-training facility under the control of National Irrigation Commission. There is a new packaging house operated by GraceKennedy and a new pepper mash facility.

Contrary to Buchanan's claims, Tufton has left a legacy of integrating farmers' efforts into value-added agro-processing. The agro park concept, of which Hounslow is the first, was created by Tufton during his tenure as minister of agriculture, but is now being used by the current Government as if it were their own.

Buchanan has made much mention of the Black River market saying it should not have been torn down. The truth is that the facility was in a terrible state. Buchanan's father, before him, talked about it for 18 years and said he was going to build a new one. Tufton came in and, in four years, constructed the first phase of a brand new facility. The young Buchanan has been there for two years and nothing more has been done.

Fisherfolk in Great Bay, Calabash Bay, Parrottee, Black River, and Galleon Beach all had their conveniences (bathrooms or storage facilities) on their respective beaches refurbished or built totally new, the most spent on fishing infrastructure in any administration.

Tufton also oversaw the National Irrigation Commission's expansion to communities like Beacon so farmers could get water for their crops.

Three brand new basic schools were built in the community of Slipe. Black River Primary School receied a new 40-computer lab, and Tuftom supported hundreds of students with back-to-school and medical needs.

For other infrastructure, new roads have been laid in communities like Greenfield, Slipe, Cragie, Parrottee, Holland, White Hall, Beacon, Galleon, Barbary Hall, and Vineyard. There have also been sponsored annual competitions for the communities in dominoes, football, cricket, basketball, and talent search. Tufton also supported the HAJ for new low-income housing development in Luana.

Buchanan is treading a well-worn path for Jamaican politicians. By his own claim, he inherited "an organisation that knew how to win elections". Let him list his accomplishments.

Micheal G Bernard

SW St Elizabeth


Tufton, a man of action


Never again must such a thing happen

Dear Editor,

For those of you who are interested in history and are really curious to know what slavery possibly was like, check out this cinematographic masterpiece, Twelve Years A Slave by Steve McQueen.

This guy is such an artist that he not only reveals graphically the indescribable pornographical nature, and inhumanity of slavery, but he at the same time manages to keep our rage from exploding as a tiger-catcher would defang the savage beast.

McQueen manages both to rile up our emotions and energise our intellect. We are, on one hand, horrified and shocked by the brutality of slavery, but on the other hand glad that we saw the movie.

For, this well-choreographed gladiatorial spectacle, with all its tragic consequences for both black and brown bodies -- and white commercial interests -- gives us the determination and the strength to say 'never again must such a thing happen'.

George S Garwood


Never again must such a thing happen


The right to vote or not

Dear Editor,

Approximately 46 per cent of Jamaica's voting age population actually participates. In Barbados 69 per cent, Trinidad 77 per cent, United Kingdom 61 per cent, and United States 55 per cent; Dominican Republic with compulsory voting 58 per cent, and Cuba almost 90 per cent without compulsory voting.

For the 1980 General Election in Jamaica the voting went up to in excess of 80 per cent, why this happened is worthy of investigation.

I have some sympathy for the Member of Parliament Everald Warmington's statement "no vote, no benefits". The wider issue is that thousands of well-to-do and/or educated intellectuals from upper, lower and middle-income groups do not participate in the electoral processes, and are partly to blame for some of the ongoing socioeconomic and cultural decay in Jamaica. Their lack of participation has left governance to be decided by many ignorant, illiterate misfits and morons, some even outright criminals. By not voting, he or she has voted for nothing and could end up with anything, including nothing. That, however, could be construed as their constitutional parasitic right whether they vote or not.

Not voting is dangerous to the survival of a vibrant democracy.

The Leader of the Opposition Mr Andrew Holness says he supports compulsory voting; that seems quite impractical at this time. But such a view could be bolstered by an active educational programme, even being a part of the new civics syllabus with an emphasis on being a great citizen.

Warmington is no hypocrite. He never hides the stick and hits you; not always a politically correct wild card, always very successful at the polls, makes his points passionately and we should encourage further debate, understanding and analysis. I am advocating that we should all wake up and vote on election day.

If we do not vote one day we could end up with criminal executive officers as ministers, having recently just graduated from St Catherine district prison with honours and distinctions in murder, gang management, extortion, rape, money laundering and a host of other criminal specialisations.

Michael Spence


The right to vote or not


Who watches the watchdog?

Dear Editor,

After reading Orville Silvera's letter titled "Non-disclosure agreement protects OUR" I must exclaim I am in total agreement with his reasoning. I have often wondered about these so-called organisations that claim to be the watchdogs of the Government and other elements of society to ensure that they remain on the straight and narrow.

The fundamental question is who watches the watchdogs? Every so often they demand complete disclosure about financing of campaigns and the disclosure of details of various contracts and often if these request are granted they would see to a breach of many of these contracts and/or the outright breaking of the law in the name of ensuring integrity for the common good of the people. But is it worth it?

What checks and balances are in place to ensure that organisations such as the National Integrity Commission do not get corrupt themselves? Who ensures that they remain above board while driven so forcefully by the passion of wanting to see that everybody else does the right thing?

It is said let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Why not start by setting the first example. I am calling on Professor Trevor Monroe and the National Integrity Commission to make a full disclosure on how the organisation is financed, and furthermore how the funds garnered are spent.

If at all the citizens of this country are going to take their work seriously they have to come with an open book.

In the final analysis, let us not just talk because we think we know the right thing to say or we think that is what people want to hear. Let us, instead, be the examples of that which we want everyone else to be. Be the light that guides the ship in the darkest night.

Gary Rowe



Who watches the watchdog?


Don't reinvent the wheel, look to Finland

Dear Editor,

The relatively small Scandinavian country of Finland is usually at the top of international education rankings. However, this pride of place did not happen by chance. Over 20 years ago, a radical decision was undertaken by the Government of Finland to overhaul and transform their education system. Since then the Government has maintained a culture of success regarding educational outcomes for their students.

The Jamaican culture and society is quite different from that of Finland, there are parallels in both societies and no doubt we could learn from them by examining the educational model they pursued.

Finland has a population of 5.4 million people, which makes it a relatively small state. Jamaica's population is approximately 2.8 million. Free education is provided in Finland from kindergarten to the tertiary level — certainly not the Jamaican situation.

Finland is considered by educational theorists to have one of the best, if not the best education systems in the world. Finland is unique in that it holds teachers in very high esteem. Teachers in Finland must possess a master's degree and pass a rigorous and competitive application process. Only teachers from the top 10 per cent of their graduating class are recruited to be trained as teachers. In 2010, nearly 7,000 applicants competed for 660 available positions in primary school preparation programme in the eight universities that educate teachers in Finland. This is truly remarkable. Just imagine the transformation such a

policy would have on the Jamaican society.

Of course the Jamaican society faces numerous other challenges, especially of a financial nature. However, if we could, as a society, identity education as a national project and then allocate the necessary resources towards improving the system it's very likely that the other issues we face could be addressed.

As educators we need to move in the direction of empowering our students to think critically instead of encouraging them solely to memorise facts and dates in order to pass an examination. Regurgitating information is not tantamount to having a quality education.

All stakeholders involved must and should be consulted and engaged in the process and their opinions given due consideration. If we hope to truly revolutionise Jamaica we must provide quality education for all our students.

Wayne Campbell



Don't reinvent the wheel, look to Finland


Crime — Jamaica's perfect storm

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to several recent letters addressing the issue of crime in Jamaica. Crime occurs in Jamaica because we currently have the perfect storm of malignant socio-economic and cultural factors driving it. This includes high rates of poverty and unemployment, lack of education and opportunities, male absenteeism and the epidemic of boys growing up fatherless, the disintegration of the family unit, a culture which glorifies violence, the perception of injustice and inequity across our society, and a rising tide of desperation, helplessness, hopelessness and frustration.

We do not need more research to tell us this. Common sense will suffice. The crime problem therefore will never be solved by simply purchasing bigger and better guns, killing or incarcerating more criminals, employing more policemen, forming more deadly police squads, firing more commissioners or ministers of national security, or implementing new crime plans. We have been doing all this for years to no avail!

The late Wilmot Perkins began telling us this decades ago. His words would prove prophetic, but unfortunately, and to our own detriment, we simply dismissed them as the worthless rantings of a bitter old man and moved on with our lives. As Christ himself once said: "A prophet is not without honour except in his own town, among his relatives, and in his own home."

When will we learn that these short-term measures and crime plans are merely treating the symptoms but not the disease itself? Are we so blind that we cannot see, so foolish that we cannot understand, or so

short-sighted that we remain indifferent since we have not yet been personally touched by the monster of crime?

I am pleading with Jamaicans again to apply reason rather than rhetoric or emotion. Please recognise that we will only tame the monster of crime by correcting the deeply entrenched and malignant socio-economic and cultural factors which are driving it. This is, has been, and will always be the only way.

Jason Depass


Crime -- Jamaica's perfect storm

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