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Words from Lord Anthony Gifford, QC

Dick Hart was my mentor and encouraged me when I settled in Jamaica. He was a man of principle and a champion of the oppressed. He was the father of the solidarity movement between Britain and the Caribbean. He was an advocate for reparations and a historian of deep insight. Truly a great Jamaican.

Anthony Gifford2

Lord Anthony Gifford

Words from Lord Anthony Gifford, QC


Boot the non-performers

Dear Editor,

I heard a discussion on Nationwide Radio between Cliff Hughes & Aubyn Hill. Mr Hill said loyalty goes a far way in politics and the possible reason Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller cannot fire some of the non-performers in her Cabinet is because they are loyal to her.

I would like to debunk this argument and say that a good leader should do the things that are right for the country, and may even have to disregard loyalty and get rid of the non-performers for the greater good of the country.

What we need in Jamaica, especially at this time when we are in near crisis, is extra-ordinary leadership. We await this type of leadership from Mrs Simpson Miller and Mr Andrew Holness and their respective team members.

Courtney Barrette


Boot the non-performers


Reparations debate lost in logic

Dear Editor,

The pro-reparation lobbyists have failed to create a convincing argument and it is unlikely that they will be taken seriously internationally.

Their main argument is that chattel slavery, which was practised in the Caribbean, was exploitative and dehumanising, therefore it cannot be compared to slave systems in ancient Rome and Greece. However, slavery in ancient Rome and Greece was multifaceted. In ancient Rome, highly educated slaves existed who were treated with dignity, and a good cook was greatly respected. This is a bit similar to the slave system which existed in our hemisphere, since a house slave had a more amicable relationship with his master than a field slave. Furthermore, under Roman law slaves were considered property, they were subjected to vicious forms of sexual and physical abuse depending on their status and were seen as chattel.

Like slaves in the Caribbean, they were able to purchase their freedom and file complaints against their masters, but it was still quite brutal with varying degrees of hostility. So the view that slaves systems in the ancient world cannot be compared to the institution of slavery in the Caribbean is a myth.

Additionally, these lobbyists have failed to analyse the factors which created the conduit for the slave trade. West African states, like Angola, were not united, so it was very easy for the Portuguese to exploit ethnic and political tensions. For example, Queen Nzinga Nbandi was never in favour of the slave trade, but she was undermined by unscrupulous Africans, who formed commercial links with the Portuguese, the Europeans also had superior technology and African weaponry was not on par.

Throughout history, complex societies have seen the need to enslave weaker states, this is just human nature. There is also the belief that the slave trade depleted Africa's labour force, thereby retarding its development, this is nonsense.

In the 90s, Austria and Estonia were in a deplorable condition, but today economists speak about the Austrian and Estonian miracles, leadership makes a difference. People like Idi Amin have played a great role in undermining Africa's progress. According to Tim Worstall, in a recent article about reparations, "the whole idea seems so absurd once you pursue the logic of it that it's probably better to forget the whole matter, isn't it?"

We should focus on creating wealth for our people through productivity and innovation not frivolous matters like reparations.

Lipton Matthews


Reparations debate lost in logic


Coward man keep sound bone

Dear Editor,

Explosion, proliferation, overrun, inundated, these are just a few of the words that could aptly be used to describe the current situation in Jamaica as it relates to pit bulls.

The animals seem to be a status symbol these days and it is not unusual to see people walking around with them on the road. Whenever I find myself faced with such a scenario I make sure to cross the road because, as the Jamaican saying goes, "Coward man keep sound bone". If the dog should suddenly lunge, I doubt the handler will be able to restrain it.

I confess I may be unique in my way of thinking, but I have great difficulty understanding why after hearing about all the ills and seeing the devastating results people still insist on using crack cocaine. In my opinion the owners of pit bull dogs are not much different, and being in possession of these animals is nothing less than a disaster waiting to happen.

I cannot forget a radio interview I heard a few months ago with a lady who may have been associated with an animal shelter or some such organisation here in Jamaica. She was suggesting that a pit bull was really no different from a poodle, save for the way they are socialised. I cannot imagine what data could have informed such a position, but I came away with the impression that she either had not taken her meds that day, or was being more than a little disingenuous. I find it hard to believe this goodly lady does not know the specific purpose for which this type of dog has been bred.

It is often said that any dog that will bite a child is not a good dog. In the United States, in 1991, a study was conducted where it was found that 94 per cent of pit bull attacks on children were unprovoked, compared to 43 per cent for other breeds.

There was a case in the news here just this week where a boy lost his eye after being set upon by a pit bull. The fact of the matter is that he is lucky to be around today. This is only the latest in an increasing number of these incidents. Stay tuned because there are many more to come and competent lawyers can expect to cash in on huge paydays.

Robert Mitchell



Coward man keep sound bone


Who is protecting our farmers?

Dear Editor,

A few days ago I was in the area of Pike, a community in the Craighead Division, North-East Manchester. I saw and spoke with a few farmers who complained that the price of yam is very low at $35 per pound.

Later that day I found myself in the Christiana market, which is a little more than six miles or ten kilometres from Pike where I found vendors selling the same product for $100 per pound.

A higgler came to my house a few days ago and offered me cho-cho at $50 per dozen. Later that day I went to the Mandeville market to visit a friend. As I entered the market I saw a lady holding up three cho-chos in a bag shouting "$50 fi 3 chocho".

I know running a successful business means buying or producing at a particular price and selling at a reasonable mark-up to make a profit. My concern is for the farmers who do manual labour, pay other labourers, purchase the $5,000 a bag fertiliser, among other expenses, yet receive little or nothing for their hard work while others either become wealthy or earn a decent living from their effort.

Something has to be done about this, we must examine ways that our farmers can profit from the work they do. Jamaica will never grow if the persons who continues to do maximum work are the ones who continue to receive minimum benefit.

We must ensure that our small farmers are protected in a better way so other persons can be encouraged to enter this sector of production because they view it as viable and profitable industry.

Gary Rowe

Coleyville PO



Who is protecting our farmers?


JPS speaks on Barton street lights

Dear Editor,

Jamaica Public Service notes with concern the article entitled 'Councillor to petition JPS for street lights in Barton,' which appeared in the Jamaica Observer on December 31, 2013. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the councillor for his vigilance and concern for the safety of members of his division, a concern we both share.

JPS will be working with the Ministry of Local Government in relation to this issue, as the ministry has responsibility for receiving applications from the parish councils and approving new street light installations, after which it directs JPS to install the lamps. We will follow up.

On the matter of streetlight maintenance, the two non-functioning lights indicated in the article were among four lamps repaired on the Barton Main Road on December 16, which regrettably had been previously vandalised. At latest check on January 2, 2014 they remained in working condition. The public is being urged to report such acts of vandalism to the police or JPS.

JPS wishes to take this opportunity to underscore its strong commitment to partnering with local leadership for the advancement of community development. The company welcomes public feedback on its service as we strive to continually improve our service.

Audrey Williams

Corporate Communication Officer

Jamaica Public Service

JPS speaks on Barton street lights


Facing the scourge of crime

Dear Editor,

The Trinidadian Guardian reports the prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, in response to the growing numbers of senseless killings in that Caricom state, condemning it as 'horrific', 'horrendous', and 'intolerable'! She further called for the National Security Council to "make no more excuses on its failure to counter the criminals".

In Jamaica, while facing the rise of similar senseless killings within the first week of the new year, we have not yet heard from our prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller. Our national security minister seems overwhelmed, while the Government has failed to use the collective wisdom and vision of its national security council. The Honourable Peter Bunting, if he is to be effective, must utilise the resources of this council, which includes Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition.

To overcome the scourge of crime requires an united effort co-operation is needed from an active national security council. This is the "divine intervention" through which vision and wisdom is revealed to put an end to our undeclared civil war.

Dudley C McLean II

Mandeville, Manchester


Facing the scourge of crime


Good start, Holness and Phillips

Dear Editor,

As a PAYE worker who is close to breaking point, I am happy that the Opposition leader has picked up the dispair of many of us who were alarmed at the prospect of having to pay more taxes. I am also happy that the finance minister has seemingly heeded the warning.

Normally, I wouldn't be inclined to contemplate standing on the roadside with a placard. But if graduate students in the US find it necessary to join the 'Occupy' movement and take over major public spaces to drive home their point about the greed of the elite in their economic system, then why shouldn't I find it my duty to protest unfair treatment by the tax man here?

Make no mistake about it, Dr Phillips deserves kudos for his sincerity and steadfastness. But he should remember that genuine economic reform cannot be lopsided. Intense effort must be made to close in on tax dodgers and well-heeled economic untouchables. They must be required to shoulder their fair share of the sacrifice. PAYE workers are sick of being 'hit up' for new taxes by successive finance ministers when revenue targets are missed.

But there is another point I wish make. It has to do with the demeanour of both gentlemen -- Andrew Holness and Peter Phillips -- as well as the content of their exchanges. This week we saw the best of both men. Holness made a solid case for the introduction of an economic stimulus and a sound growth strategy. His call was accompanied by thoughtful and practical recommendations. He spoke without being quarrelsome and fixated on the past. If he keeps this up he will, indeed, earn the title "transformational leader".

While I am not satisfied with Dr Phillips's response, I very much appreciate his willingness to speak to the public and in a manner that is neither imperious nor quarrelsome. It is so encouraging. Perhaps there is reason to hope that this 'pairing' of intelligent and dignified competitors will be a productive one where the welfare of Jamaicans is concerned. I look forward to a greater exchange of ideas and to them taking the debate to the next level.

Enough of the mindless criticsm and tit for tat. Jamaica is crying out for dignified and transformational leadership. Time is running out. Fast.

E Levy


Good start, Holness and Phillips


What devil is amidst us?

Dear Editor,

The recent spate of crime has caused many to ask the question, what devil is amidst us? My fellow Jamaicans, the answer to that question is the person in the mirror. Crime flourishes in a nation only when its citizens refuse to help the police. The Jamaican public is indoctrinated with the philosophy that if one helps the police he or she is an informer and therefore deserves to die. With such a mentality, we shouldn't be surprised that so much crime goes unsolved.

In any modern society, regardless of how much technology is available to the police, they still need the help of each and every citizen to fight crime. Based on what I have been reading in the paper, I am left to think that the people at large believe that it is solely the Government's job to fight crime. Those with such a belief need to ask themselves a few simple common sense questions. Who lives in the neighbourhoods where crimes are perpetrated? Who are the witnesses to crimes and are refusing to come forward to help the police? Who do you think the Government works for?

Crime in Jamaica will be reduced only when we stop hating the police and recognise that to do so is to hate ourselves.

There is no doubt that there are corrupt officers in the force who need to be removed, but I am sure that will happen in due time. That, too, will take the assistance of the public. It is time for the Jamaican public to recognise that in any society around the world, the public is always more informed than the police when it comes to crime, and that is why police around the world rely so heavily on people to come forward. However, here in Jamaica, we seem to hate the police more than we hate crime; therefore we embrace criminality by not helping the police. Stop preaching hate for the police and start loving yourselves enough to do the right thing, and that is to despise criminality so much that regardless of who the perpetrators are, you are courageous enough to report it. If we refuse to act, we must then be ready to face the demon in the mirror.

Brian O Lynch


What devil is amidst us?


Christiana needs a fire unit

Dear Editor,

In less than six weeks there have been three fires in and around the town of Christiana. Early in December it was the house of a senior citizen of Nevermind, a community close to the Christiana bypass. The fire unit assigned to the Mandeville Fire Station had to be deployed as the truck assigned to Christiana had been out of commission for weeks. It took that unit close to an hour-and-a- half to reach the burning building. By this time the house was seriously damaged and the lady had fainted and was taken to the hospital in a traumatised state.

Later in the month of December, another building was on fire on Wildman Street close to the Christiana Market; this time it was a place of business. As the unit from Christiana was still down, the Mandeville unit was once again deployed. It took the unit over an hour to reach the blaze. The building burned to the ground.

On the weekend, wooden stalls owned by vendors, which were located on a plaza across from the National Commercial Bank in Christiana, were found burning by a security guard assigned to a nearby cambio.

Let me commend the members of the Christiana Police Station and the members of the community who worked tirelessly to bring the fire under control. If not for their efforts the town of Christiana might have burned to ashes as the buildings are very close to each other.

I am calling on the Ministry of Local Government to do something about getting a unit in Christiana as this station serves three parishes. This, in my view, is already too much for one unit, so can you imagine what happens when no unit is in place?

Many may not view this as important, but, consider for a moment if the next building that is on fire is your house and you have to wait for more than an hour, watching it burn to the ground, for a unit to come and put out the fire.

Let us not wait for when someone dies to react.

Gary Rowe



Christiana needs a fire unit


Honour should be earned, never demanded

Dear Editor,

Our world has been structured in such a way that titles are bestowed on certain persons of society in order to show their academic achievements, position in high-profile offices, or years of service and contribution within any sector.

These titles and honours run from "your excellency" to Dr. In principle, nothing is wrong with granting these titles to those of true character and credibility. However, some holders of titles are demanding that those under their "command" address them by their assigned title. Mr, Miss or Mrs just won't do.

I find these people very suspicious whenever I hear holders of titles demanding to be addressed by their title, even stopping persons in the middle of a conversation to remind them that they did not address them by their title.

I say this because I don't subscribe to the hogwash that people should always address holders of titles purely on the basis that they hold them. Addressing persons by titles of power or honour should be done based on the revelation from rigorous and detailed investigation that those persons are in fact exemplary, decent, and competent citizens of society, and not on the premise that those persons hold high offices and fancy degrees.

Respect from anyone should be earned and not demanded or inherited. I recall a judge forcing a court attendee to refer to him as "your honour", and threatening to charge him for contempt of court if he refused to do so. He shares a view similar to mine.

If someone is really decent, then that person would not have to go around advertising to the populace that he/she is a holder of a title of power or honour. Instead, allow people to gradually develop their own special respect and admiration.

It is widely known that several holders of high office are corrupt and immoral. Why then should we be forced to honour them. Throw out the rotten eggs!

Garth "Sub-Zero" Allen


Honour should be earned, never demanded


The Jamaica Diaspora works 24/7, 365

Dear Editor,

I think Dahlia Walker-Huntington is on point in her letter to the editor, and speaks for all of us in the Diaspora in response to Shaggy's statement about the work we do.

This situation reflects a core problem of misinformation, lack of communication and maybe even a lack of understanding.

The Diaspora supports the causes of Jamaica 24/7, 365 days a year. It is a lifetime commitment for those who contribute their unheralded efforts. Comments such as those made by Shaggy in this situation serve to discourage those who work tirelessly for Jamaica. But, rest assured that this has never stopped us in the past and will not dissuade us in the future. The Jamaican Diaspora knows what it means to respond when duty calls.

Everyone has a role to play in assisting Jamaica and Jamaicans both at home and abroad. Any cursory research would have clearly revealed the massive amount of assistance and support which the Diaspora has contributed. The Jamaican diaspora continues to do its share of heavy lifting through many hands.

I do hope that those who know of the true contributions of the Jamaican Diaspora will speak out, accentuate the positives, and continue to recruit others to be philanthropic, even under unjustified criticisms and no recognition.

We all play our part, but we all don't blow our trumpets as loudly.

Wayne C Golding Sr


The Jamaica Diaspora works 24/7, 365


Don't forget the 'little man'

Dear Editor,

As Jamaica pushes towards the possible decriminalisation and/or legalisation of "ganja", let me urge the Government not to leave out the "little man".

Yes, our dear doctor has established the first ganja company, and now we're on the heels of our first ganja growers association, but what of the little man?

What of the men who have toiled for years on deep-rural small farms to provide for their children? Shouldn't this be their day, too? Shouldn't this be their victory too? Shouldn't this be their chance to legally pay taxes and contribute to their country? Shouldn't they be stakeholders in what is expected to be a critical contributor to Jamaica's economic success?

As it stands, the wealthy and graduates of universities have been lining up to cash in on an industry that is about to explode, only because they can sit at the same table as Government officials and foreign investors.

Already there is the talk of Jamaica owning 55 per cent of the industry. We need no outside help to sell a product the world seeks; all it takes is vision and careful planning, execution and management.

I can bet 'competitors' are nervous because they know the best herb in the world is grown a "yaawd".

Dear Government, please don't forget the "little man".

Haldor Dixon


Don't forget the 'little man'


Agriculture can help dig us out of this hole

Dear Editor,

Government's role is to create an economic environment that will promote free enterprise and dynamic growth; therefore, the Government must not be in the business of operating enterprises.

Agriculture is a business but, instead of managing it like a viable enterprise, successive administra-tions have continued to perpetuate the dependency syndrome by constantly subsidising some of its industries. Although the banana industry has been the beneficiary of substantial assistance, not only is the sector still ailing, but it also lacks modernisation.

Political leaders seem not to realise that pumping funds into any sector, without making it more competitive, will not solve the problem. And to compound the issue some farmers become perpetually reliant on Government, expecting a bailout whenever the sector is in shambles. No politician wants to be seen as being "anti-poor", but populist policies will make us all poorer in the long term. Government should treat agriculture like a business and refrain from subsidising ailing aspects of the industry.

There should be a greater focus on improving agricultural productivity through innovation and private investment. Hence funds that are set aside for the revitalisation of failing sectors, like sugar and banana, by using the same archaic methods, must

be diverted to more productive activities.

For example, many young people may possess ideas to transform agriculture, but they lack the capital to make their vision a reality. Since Jamaica is a recipient of agricultural aid, the Government could use this money to create an Innovation Fund for Agriculture, thereby providing youngsters with an opportunity to commercialise their ideas and develop new technologies that will make Jamaica's agriculture more competitive. But, in order to reduce losses, applicants must be selected via a merit-based selection process, with the viability of their business plans being the major factor for selection. Technical support in the form of training and financial advice will also be offered.

Furthermore, arable lands that are owned by the State should be divested to either foreign or local investors with the capital and technology to revolutionise agriculture. Government's involvement in agriculture has been dismal and the recent controversy surrounding the agro-parks project is a perfect example. Also, it is not prudent to support farmers who are not familiar with modern technology. Reforms are difficult to implement, but if we are interested in becoming a wealthy nation, they must be pursued.

Lipton Matthews


Agriculture can help dig us out of this hole


ONLINE READERS COMMENT: Jamaica is in a cultural crisis

Dear Editor,

There is no doubt that Jamaica is in the throes of a cultural crisis. Incivility, crass behaviour, rampant hostility, and widespread criminal activity have permeated our once genteel island. We have lost our manners and, consequently, one of our most valuable assets has lost almost all of its value.

Jamaicans urgently need to go back to being civil and proper, because we are rapidly becoming a loud-mouthed, foul-mouthed nation fenced in by crime, corruption and mayhem. The attributes that once made us the most admired country in the Caribbean have been squandered because we lost sight of their value.

How do we change the course of our rapid cultural decline? The media, politicians, community leaders, and the clergy should be charged with spearheading our cultural revival. Politicians should be in the forefront this coalition, and our media would play a significant role in communicating the efforts, principles and goals of our cultural renaissance.

I know we, as a people, can get the job done because we are smart and inventive. The only question is, do we have the will to do it?


Younger politicians letting us down

Dear Editor,

Not too long ago the craze with many was the hope that upcoming politicians offered us. We were getting pretty tired of the nonsense from the oldsters. However, time has shown these younger politicians have seriously let us down.

Take Christopher Tufton, for instance. A man of his intellectual stature was seen by many as a much-needed breath of fresh air, especially for the JLP. Yet, he was willing to sign away his right to think independently just to join the Senate. If our younger politicians are willing to be puppets, then what kind of new thinking can we expect from our leaders?

Then we have Raymond Pryce. His main preoccupation seems to be the name of the throne speech. When it’s not that, he rants about the need for reparations. Look at the state we are in today. People cannot find work. Taxpayers are being overtaxed. The country is in a state of virtual economic stagnation. Yet, all Pryce can concentrate his young brain on is the name of a speech!

We certainly did not expect our younger politicians to concentrate their energies such trivial matters. Is it that these young politicians are blind to reality or that they are devoid of real solutions?

I suppose the PNP thought that seeing Damion Crawford is a Rastafarian the one thing that he must be good at is entertainment. Therefore, I suppose one cannot be too surprised to see him at Sting. However, we would have felt better if the young “rasta” didn’t see the need to endorse the slackness that Sting has become. What kind of message is he sending to our young men when he is seemingly endorsing gangsterism?

From time to time, I see politicians exalting themselves for some small accomplishment. I remember one prominent politician boasting about the three toilets that he provided for his constituents. Back then, I was hoping that the young politicians would think bigger than that. Boy, was I wrong! Recently, I saw one of our younger politicians boasting about how he is providing a “literacy” programme for his constituents.

It isn’t that anything is wrong with these “accomplishments”, it’s the signals that they are sending — sit on your fannies and wait on the politicians for handouts; no need to earn your way out of poverty, the politician will give school dropouts free remedial education. I have lived long enough to know that this is how our older politicians think.

However, I must be honest and express how disappointed I am with our younger politicians, as they are trying to use the same “fool them” tactics.

I suppose that we can’t condemn these youngsters too much though. After all, look how far the oldsters have reached when they put themselves first. If you go to a farm and see everybody getting fat drinking milk, why waste time remaining slim by counting cows?

Michael A Dingwall michael_a_dingwall@hotmail.com

Rain, lights out

Dear Editor,

I live in a semi-affluent neighbourhood called Wiltshire at the border of Trelawny and St James on the north coast highway. As soon as there is a hint of rain we can expect a power outage for at least four hours.

If the rain does fall, especially heavily, the power outage lasts for a long time. When the rain starts, you hear a loud explosion, like a bomb has gone off, and then the power goes.

We have called the Jamaica Public Service customer service line numerous times to file a complaint or to let them know that there is a problem in the area but to no avail.

Please, Ms Tomblin, please see what you can do for us. We in this neighbourhood pay our light bills on time and in full monthly, so help us to save our homes from a potential fire.

Paul Paul


Two months after JLP elections, what do we have?

Dear Editor,

A pyrrhic victory is a victory with such a devastating cost that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way.

However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit. During the lead-up to the JLP leadership challenge, I made a post about a pyrrhic victory should Andrew Holness win because of the strategies employed by his campaign team and supporters. My posts/comments during this period were heavily criticised by some; I was even eventually removed from their Facebook friends list. Two months after the elections, what do we have?

The JLP is nowhere near organised as a government-in-waiting, let alone to be considered an alternative government. The problems which the party had faced and, in my opinion, led to the challenge, now seemed to have magnified considerably. The JLP has disorganised political machineries in most constituencies.

Party workers are demoralised as the leadership seems unable to motivate its base. Most losing constituencies and parish divisions are without caretakers, while those that have appear to be dormant. The PNP has used its two-thirds majority, it seems, to scare and silence the Opposition who, by the way, seems to be playing "follow the leader" and remain silent in order to appear "smart".

They only seem to be moved by trivial issues such as Madam PM’s constant absence from the Jamaican landscape and what it costs for her travels. Conflicting reports and statements regarding the country's economic condition seems to be of very little interest, or is it that there is no one within the JLP to tackle the finance minister on these?

There is absolutely nothing coming from the Opposition spokesperson on crime, the level of which in recent months has practically scared even the dogs. Andrew Holness, it is full time you start acting like a responsible leader of the Opposition.

As party leader and Opposition leader it is your job to motivate your party and also to keep the present Government in check. You have failed miserably at both, and the only ones you seem to motivate are those who have selfish interests without any real love for Jamaica and the JLP.

Alex Barker


Gov’t must help us help ourselves

Dear Editor,

Following the South Central St Catherine constituency conference, convened this past Sunday, I feel compelled to share with the wider public some of the observations I made in addressing my constituents. There is no doubt in my mind that the matters are as relevant to the society as a whole, as they were to those in attendance.

The conference took place against a backdrop of chronic levels of unemployment, especially among the nation's youth, unprecedented levels of social despondence and hopelessness, and, of course, the unrelenting crime monster. Shocking it is that with as few as 13 days gone in the new calendar year, some 32 lives have been snuffed out by criminal elements.

We cannot disregard the many compelling studies that show a very strong positive correlation between high levels of crime and high levels of unemployment and an overall lack of economic opportunities. No well-thinking person can deny that the levels of crime and social disorder in this country are heavily influenced by the extreme economic and social hardship that have been visited upon the people. Where there is significant breakdown in home and family life, a lack of economic opportunities, limited access to education, and inadequate social intervention, criminality is likely to flourish.

If the Statistical Institute's most recent labour market survey is anything to go by, there is little doubt that at an unemployment rate of just about 40 per cent among the 17-35 age group, we are courting disaster. The much-touted JEEP programme has delivered significantly less than it promised. Those who supported the Government with their votes following promises of jobs and other economic benefits have quickly come to realise that they have been fooled.

Instead of jobs and economic progress, they are now engulfed by hopelessness and despair. It is this disappointment that is perhaps contributing to the revolting incidents of crime. I have to interact on a daily basis with constituents and their dependents who are now teetering at the brink.

Many have attended universities or have invested in other educational programmes and are now certified, but unable to find jobs. Of those who are currently employed, there is a growing cohort of working poor who feel just as hopeless because they have to spend so much more on basic amenities, while receiving little or no increase in their earnings. Not to be left out are those being laid off or otherwise displaced due to the poor performance of the economy and the contraction in business volume being suffered by their employer.

For our part, we in the Opposition have put on the table at least one ready-to-implement solution. The fast-tracking of development approvals stands to have such a catalytic effect on the construction sector that it would immediately put hundreds of our people, many of whom are low-skilled, to work. It is time the government puts its shoulders to the wheels and engage in the kind of policy engineering that will allow us to do more for the people we serve.

A programme of austerity will enable us to manoeuvre the fiscal accounts, but it will not generate the levels of growth we need so desperately at this time.

Andrew Wheatley

Opposition spokesman

Do the unemployed really want work?

Dear Editor,

I have often heard the call for jobs to be created. It is suggested by some persons that these jobs would lead to better families, better communities, a better economy, and thus a better Jamaica.

Very often it is said that the Government should facilitate the creation of Free Zones, factories and other means of production that would create jobs so many more of our citizens may gain employment, thus improving their lives and ultimately building Jamaica, land we love.

While I am in support of this, I am of the view that if we build factories, open restaurants, open supermarkets, etc, most of the people zwho would be employed in these areas are either those who are already employed and would be taking on a second job. Or, it would be those moving from one job to another because they are already skilled/certified. I believe we have a problem in this country in which most of those who are unemployed really do not want to work and would not work even if offered a job.

Every so often I have persons asking me to help them find employment, and when I send them to an interview they are nowhere to be found on that day. They only ask for that kind of help so I will be generous when they ask me for a lunch money.

A few months ago, while walking in Christiana, a young man walked over to me and asked for $100. Since this is something he does regularly I said to him, “Do you have anything planted right now?” I figured if I was giving him my money it would be nice if I could get a piece of yam or a few Irish potatoes closer towards the weekend. He said he didn’t have anything planted.

I asked him, “Do you have land?” He replied, “Yes”. I said to him: “I will bring you two grow chocho for you to plant,” thinking that he could not miss with that, as chocho grows even on concrete.

He said, “No!, “Weh mi a do wid dat? Ah style yuh ah style me?” The truth is, for some people, begging is a full-time job. As a people we need to examine ourselves: we have a serious problem when so many people believe they should depend on someone else to give them something. We need to produce for ourselves and ensure that we take care of our families, our communities and ultimately our country, instead of waiting for someone to do it for us.

Gary Rowe Manchester

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