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Joint crime crackdown needed now

Dear Editor,

I read the editorial 'National Security, Economic Councils must start talking now about crime' published in the Daily Observer, Thursday, January 9, 2014. I found the article interesting and worthy of commendation and endorsement.

Notable French poet Victor Hugo said: "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come." The article in question is pregnant with ideas relevant to dealing with crime and violence in Jamaica in 2014.

Whether or not these ideas are deemed original or novel is beside the point. They are timely and are in urgent need of attention and action by the Government, in particular, and the citizens in general.

What a spectacle it would be to see our leaders jointly declaring their stance on the need for a crackdown on crime and violence in our country.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of the Jamaican electorate needs no patronage, platitude or coercion to generate their political preference. Such practices have long outlived their usefulness.

The suggestion that "the two major political parties agree, through negotiation towards consensus, to remove crime completelyout of the arena of partisan politics", is one that can withstand repetition.

Rev Dr Prince F Clemmings

Ramble Hill

St James

Joint crime crackdown needed now


Is 'upping' the age of consent the answer?

Dear Editor,

I read with intense interest, the December 17, 2013 article in your paper titled, 'Minister wants age of consent to be moved to 18'. I was very much unmoved by the minister's declaration of future attention to the matter as I am quite aware of how our ministers can be stimulated to action just in response to international reports.

The sad reality is that the age of consent has been at 16 for quite some time now and has shaped the habits of the Jamaican people. Thus, it would be interesting to see what an increase in age would do.

The sad reality is that the age of consent has been at 16 for quite some time now and has shaped the habits of the Jamaican people. Thus, it would be interesting to see what an increase in age would do.

Nothwithstanding the minister's declaration — though I have always held the view that the age of consent should equal the beginning of adulthood — I question if increasing the age of consent to 18 years is the true answer?

The issue here, it seems, is not that our children are having sex, but that our girls are getting pregnant. That aside, I sincerely do not believe that the country has sought to assess the root cause of teenage pregnancy which has nothing to do with the age of consent but everything to do with financial needs of many girls and their families. There is the mythical enshrouding of sex on one hand, and contrastingly the early and consistent exposure to sexual content on the other, with peer pressure being the binding element.

Therefore, in moving to remedy teenage pregnancy, the answer cannot be moving the age of consent and the subliminal indication for the provision of condoms and contraceptives. Instead, the real answer must centre on addressing the socio-economic needs of children, dispelling the myths about sex through sex education, alongside regulation of media that has sexual connotations and overtones in the public sphere.

Within the context of the home, the responsibility of attention then becomes the parent(s) or guardian(s). This is an area that needs our attention as our society is not very accommodating of teenage mothers.


Is 'upping' the age of consent the answer?


Warmington wrong... again!

Dear Editor,

The Member of Parliament for South West St Catherine has been called the maverick of the Jamaican Parliament. Some dislike while others revere his sharp tongue that seemingly complements his heavy-hitting personality. Unfortunately, Warmington has stumbled and fallen flat on his rarely apologetic face over his own uncouth utterances. We recall his infamous outburst in 2011 — "Go to hell!"— in response to a question about his candidacy.

It's not the first time Warmington has made such a critical comment about the electorate. In 2007, he told Jamaica Labour Party supporters that they would not get hurricane relief if they didn't vote for the JLP in local government elections. An unsigned apology statement was issued 10 days later. Three years earlier, in his May 2004 parliamentary speech, he said "people who don't vote in elections should not expect support from elected representatives". Here we see that it's not just an off-the-cuff sound bite, but his self-indulgent, power-centric, and politically twisted view of democracy.

His demented theory on democracy seems based on the mantra "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" that also can be linked to Roger Clarke in 2012 as he addressed a group of farmers.

It shows how emboldened our elected officials feel, that they can publicly solicit votes, through projects intended to better the lives of people, without a hint of remorse or shame.

MP Warmington has reinforced his position, saying "those who do not vote should not expect state benefits", simultaneously bashing non-voters for "complaining too much". He is wrong. Although 10 countries, including Australia, enforce compulsory voting, we have yet to make that decision and shouldn't consider it because there is more to choosing not to vote rather than not voting out of disregard.

Not voting is, in fact, participating, because it sends a signal to politicians. This is also why people are wrong when they claim their vote probably won't count because the election won't be decided by a single vote. The number of people who vote for a politician sends a signal about the support that he/she has. It's true that not voting is an unclear signal; the same is true of voting just because.

The idea that voting is a deep moral obligation is something we are told by society. Due to our history, there is a particular idea that voting honours the struggles of our forefathers. This message is mistaken.

People should feel free to not vote.

Finally, MP Warmington would be mindful of how he marginalises those who don't vote, as they are, in truth, potential voters.

Mario Boothe


'Lloyd B' got it right!


‘Lloyd B’ got it right!

Dear Editor,

Lloyd B Smith's column of January 14, 'Our culture versus reality,' hits the Jamaican nail squarely on the head. It should be required reading for the entire national leadership.

All the talk about IMF deals, logistics hubs, public sector transformation, tax reform, blah blah blah will come to naught if the matters so clearly and succinctly elucidated by Smith are not tackled immediately.

Hopefully, in the months and years to come, the media will hold the nation's leaders' feet to the fire using the benchmark set out by Smith as the barometer.

Truly an outstanding, courageous and refreshing piece of journalism from someone who is also a politician! There is hope for us yet.

Errol W A Townshend

Ontario, Canada


School can pick up the slack

The comments made by Right Reverend Dr Howard Gregory, Anglican bishop of Jamaica, underlining the need for better parenting to improve educational outcomes, as well as those made by Member of Parliament Damion Crawford, are certainly welcome.

There seems to be a growing awareness that the businesss of educating students goes well beyond the classroom. This is a healthy sign. Much of what is mistakenly referred to as the transformation process seems to be based on the assumption that the answer lies in getting teachers to work harder or smarter. But while this is always desirable, it is doubtful that this will improve outcomes significantly for those who do

not have support systems beyond the classroom.

It is impossible for teachers to teach concepts and then supervise the reinforcement of these concepts in the contact time they have. Students need to spend more time in an organised environment to have the concepts they learn reinforced doing worksheets and other written and oral exercises.

However, what needs to be accepted now is that we cannot depend on parents to do the additional supervision and nurturing that is required to improve educational outcomes. The truth is that the nuclear family, in which a home has mother and father providing an organised environment, is no longer the norm. More and more, young people are being left on their own to manage their own time and space.

One of the anomalies of our plans in education is that it has been based on the realities of an era when the nuclear family was the norm. But we are no longer in the 1950s when it was normal to have a mother as homemaker who could supervise children. Even First-World countries are beginning to realise this. This means that, whether we like it or not, our schools will have to do more of the nurturing and reinforcement required for success. And, as I have pointed out before, the children who have support systems in place are doing well, wherever they attend school. We need to restructure the system so that school days are extended for students in such a manner that they remain in some sort of learning environment between eight in the morning and six in the evening. Activities would range from academic preparation to extra-curricular activities and sports.

R Howard Thompson




School can pick up the slack


ONLINE READERS COMMENT: Nature of local politics turns off voters

Dear Editor,

People have been turned off because of the nature of local politics, the tone of which has been set by most of our politicians.

You can't blame them for not voting. The roads in their constituencies needs fixing, the schools are in a rundown state, the police station needs repairing, the fire engine does not work because it needs parts. These are some of the realities which our people face in many different parts of our country.

To make it worse, they don't see their political representative. He/she does not come around to say anything to them they are left to fend for themselves.

Again the attitude and behaviour of their representative does not give them any confidence in the system.

How can you blame and penalise them when they have been given a raw deal?

MP Everald Warmington is impinging on their democratic right to vote or not to vote. As far as I am aware this is still a free country and people still retain that right either to vote or not to vote.

Even if these people choose not to vote, he has an obligation to attend to their needs. He is being paid by them and whether or not they voted for him he is obligated to help them.

If politicians want people to vote, then they need to set example for the people to have confidence in them and the system.


Look to the real prospects

Dear Editor,

This is not the time to seek political mileage. This is the time for unity to defeat the common enemies of the problems in the economy and the problems of crime, while giving thanks that we have cerebral men, Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting, and perhaps the best ever commissioner of police, Owen Ellington, at the helm.

As a lifetime student of economics and mathematics, I know neither economic progress nor any other progress that can be represented as a straight line. And as that great mathematician, Playfair, said: A straight line cannot be defined. We must therefore expect fluctuations and focus on the positives, such as Kingston being among the most livable cities on this planet. The real prospect exists in inflows of foreign investments in tourism and the logistics hub, as money will go where more can be made. We can looh forward to real development in a shift to the culture of growing what we eat and eating what we grow, the innovative plan by D&G to take agriculture to unprecedented heights, and as one thing bears on the other, the increase in construction of houses, rapid rise in levels of employment, et cetera.

I think above all, our greatest consolation is that God, the Creator of heaven and earth and all things therein, loves Jamaica. He made it one of the most beautiful places on earth and, like sleep, it is loved from pole to pole.

Owen S Crosbie



Look to the real prospects


Truth, a now necessary historical anathema

Dear Editor,

The problem is truth never existed nor did it have any value for all of human history. What people believed was determined by the powerful, who conditioned the majority to believe what they perceived to be in their interest.

A prime example of this is that organised religion believed that the world was flat, and anyone who spoke the truth was consigned to rack or other exquisite tortures.

The predicament that societies find themselves contending with is that limitations have been placed on the extent and degree coercion can be applied to citizens, and there is no going back to Absolutism since it precipitates intense social conflict, a state incompatible with weapons of mass destruction.

The alternative is rationality, the accurate description of social problems, which is the necessary prerequisite to their solution. And the only means of creating a bare majority of rational individuals in any society is by telling the truth, but this enterprise is in conflict with the irrationality produced down the long corridors of human history.

The conflict on which the survival of the species depends is between the rational and irrational, between facts that can withstand the acid test and wholly irrational beliefs to which human beings were conditioned over the centuries, many of these considered sacred.

The threat of global warming exemplifies this conflict between the rational and irrational. For decades scientists have been warning of the danger inherent in the burning of fossil fuels, but action to overcome this threat depends on the policies framed by politicians driven by political expediency and the need to win elections.

The problem is chronic in democracies, the root cause being the fact that limitations have been placed on the application of coersion without creating an alternative means of motivating the attitudes and patterns of behaviour required for societal order in a world where weapons of mass destruction are proliferating.

The most incontrovertible evidence that the struggle is between the forces of irrationality and those of rationality is the fact that these problems are chronic. For example, if billions are spent each year on interdiction of prohibited substances, and drugs are still available, the rational thing to do would be to change the policy until a way is found to resolve this problem, not persist with an approach that is obviously not working.

The same paradigm applies to the revitalisation of the economy, the reform of the education product, to every single problem we face; yet we continue to apply prescriptions which do not work, which cannot work, but rather make the problems and their impact more and more destructive. If this does not prove that we are irrational, nothing can.

William Edwin Virtue


Truth, a now necessary historical anathema


Distraction politics — pay Warmington no mind

Dear Editor,

Expressing himself in a somewhat crude manner is one of Mr Everald Warmington's traits, and his recent suggestion that non-voters should not receive public assistance must be rejected.

Some may argue that individuals who do not participate in national affairs have no right to complain about the failures of the State because they refuse to effect change by voting. But non-voters also pay taxes. And since Jamaica is a democracy, all opinions will be tolerated.

Unlike America, where the average voter is more educated than a non-voter and politics is dominated by the middle class, Jamaica's political arena is controlled by tribalists and government dependents. This situation has resulted in deep corruption, and by refusing to exercise their rights, conscious Jamaicans have allowed undesirables to contaminate the system, transforming it into a feeding trough.

So, Mr Warmington is somewhat correct: by ignoring politics sensible Jamaicans have ceded authority to undesirables who are only interested in government largesse. Furthermore, when the voices of reason exit the political realm, it provides lawmakers with an incentive to be lazy, because their supporters who vote have no interest in lobbying for serious issues.

Unfortunately, too many persons are interested in condemning Warmington, thus avoiding the bigger picture, but then again Jamaicans enjoy majoring in the minor. The problem is not what was said, but the speaker. When Roger Clarke told a large audience of housing recipients that they should remember to elect his party in the upcoming general election since homes were granted to them during the tenure of a PNP administration, public backlash was not extensive. Roger Clarke may be a more jovial personality than Warmington, but that does not give citizens an excuse not to condemn him for an asinine comment.

When too much energy is directed at Warmington, and his fellow politicians are not equally criticised, his critics lose credibility. Instead of providing Warmington with attention for being his usually crude self, we should focus on what Mr Anthony Hylton is not saying. Last year the minister declared that his ministry had identified investors for an economic zone and the provision of jobs was inevitable. But notwithstanding a few pronouncements from the Factories Corporation of Jamaica, we have heard nothing of substance from the minister. Warmington's latest spectacle was just a distraction and too many people are eating the bait. It should, therefore, not surprise us when nothing gets done in Jamaica, because most citizens only care about political episodes not tangible issues that can actually make a difference in their lives.

Lipton Matthews


Distraction politics -- pay Warmington no mind


PM of Wonderland?

Dear Editor,

I really don't understand who is responsible for writing our PM's speeches, who is reading over the speeches before they go public, and who are her advisors.

The more I listen to our prime minister, the more I am embarrassed. Sometimes you have to wonder if she is the prime minister of Wonderland or if she is really Jamaica's first female prime minister.

The Observer carried an article titled, 'We cannot fear competition', which is says to me that Mrs Simpson Miller is a good candidate to be the prime minister of Wonderand. She used words that she seems not have a clue what they mean. For example, the subtitle in this same article, 'Portia urges regional tourism interests to be bold, innovative.' The word bold refers to someone who is not afraid to do things which involve risk or danger. Here we have the prime minister telling other people to be bold while crime flourishes under her watch, and she is not bold enough to tell Peter Bunting, her minister of national security, to lead from the front. She is talking about getting more tourists onto our shores, and not at the same time actively dealing with crime. Does she not reliase that crime is why some people won't come to Jamaica?

I am wondering who put the word innovative in her speech. This is a foreign word to 90 per cent of Jamaica's non-politicians. An innovative person introduces changes and new ideas. Can anyone tell me if our prime minister and security minister are innovative persons? Where are their plans to fight crime? There is nothing innovative about these two persons.

Read an excerpt from one of the many useless paragraphs in her speech. "Most destinations have sea and sun. So, to compete effectively, the policy must be innovative and the strategy must embrace concepts of sustainability as reflected in Jamaica's master tourist plan," she said.

Jamaica's biggest problem is crime, and the earlier the prime minister can say the word 'crime' the better this country will be. Between 2000 and 2012, Tenerife's average visitors per year was over four million. Tenerife is not as exotic as Jamaica, but the island is very safe, which is why people are going there. If they think they can continue burying their heads in the sand and think investors, tourists and Jamaicans living overseas are coming to join them, they are in for a rude awakening.

The PM should learn to take drastic action; in order to solve a problem, you have to do something extreme and basic to solve it.

Hero Scott


PM of Wonderland?


ONLINE READERS COMMENT: Why Puerto Rico came out on top in the Caribbean

Dear Editor,

A recent USA Today poll published in the ONLINE OBSERVER listed Puerto Rico as the #1 choice in Caribbean destinations, topping a list of 10 countries.

Jamaica did not make the list, and many of your readers continue to ask 'why?', questioning the accuracy and representation of this recent poll.

I'm sure this poll was based on what tourists (in particular Americans) look for in choosing a destination -- value for money, safety & security, beauty, overall experience and ease. Puerto Rico topped the list, and I can see why.

Firstly it is a US controlled State, located close to the mainland -- it is accessible and extremely easy to get to. For the American traveller, it is almost like having your own beach island, not too far away, especially for quick and easy winter escapes.

It is also a beautiful island, with rich history, culture, and lots of options for the visitor. As for why Jamaica wasn't listed, we need to think again.

We often forget that destinations these days are so much more than beach, sun & sand, at least to most people. Security and peace of mind are also key factors.

Hustling, and hassling of visitors is virtually non-existent in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico also has a vibrant cruise ship industry, with many ships stopping over. The island has hundreds of attractions besides the obvious beach resorts, you'll find historic walking areas, museums and parks, kayaking, kite boarding, snorkelling, cruises, sport camps, eco tours, you name it, not to mention a vibrant night life in the main areas.

So while Jamaica welcomed 2 million visitors in 2013, Puerto Rico welcomed over 8 million. Although the country is much bigger than Jamaica in terms of size, its population of 3.7 million is only slightly higher than ours.

Other islands included in the top 10 list included all small (tiny) islands, which are also well-known picks for travellers -- St Marten, Dominica, Barbados, Curacao, Bonaire, Grenada, Tobago, Anguilla, St John.

With all Jamaica has going for it, the diverse beauty of our island, the unique culture and Jamaican vibe, our cuisine, and our people, who continue to excel internationally in so many areas, we really do have a lot more work to be done to improve our destination prospects, and capitalise on this very lucrative tourism industry.

There are so many options for development and tours -- including Kingston/Port Royal -- creativity is key. We also have to strive to keep our visitors interested in coming back.

P Chin

See the complete list as reported by OBSERVER ONLINE.

Let the reparations debate begin

Dear Editor,

I read with great and profound interest your editorial on reparations which, in Jamaica's case, I have been pursuing for my total political life; having it debated in Parliament on more than one occasion, and having had Parliament put a hold on my request for a vote until the National Reparations Committee had made its report.

I am now aware and have been advised by the chair of the National Reparations Committee, Professor Verene Shepherd, that the report has now been handed to the minister of youth & culture, the Honourable Lisa Hanna, MP. I have further confirmed that the report has been taken to Cabinet and should be laid in Parliament in January.

I have been promised by the leader of Government Business that we can begin the debate on my private member's motion. That being so, bearing in mind the present positions of the leaders of both parties on this subject, it is my firm belief that Parliament can and will make the needed political decision on the way to proceed. (It is now prime time to let the public debate begin, not on the quantum of claim, but the use of the proceeds.)

Thus, your editorial was timely, but unlike your deductions, the historical and cultural approach by Jamaica has never been to blame all our ills on slavery. It has certainly never been mine.

Indeed, the main and early proponents of reparations, namely Rastafari, have rejected this by their cry for it to be in the form of repatriation (which was approved by our Parliament of the '60s).

They have stoutly rejected that it be addressed in any form other than the deep moral and historical fact that it was an abuse of human rights and in their approach demanded that they and all black people should be returned to Africa (not to mother England).

It has certainly been more the different intellectual approaches that have broadened the areas of social, cultural and economic impact on Jamaica with most, if not all our leaders using your argument as a crutch for their failure to lead, and failing to recognise that ignoring and neglecting our history, and replacing it with only Eurocentric history, denies us of our identity and the strength to seek this claim. Which claim, by the way, is for all Jamaica -- be 'ye' one ilk or the other.

For my part, in my book (Many Rivers to Cross - LMH Publishing Ltd, 2013) I have (firstly) narrowly focused on the British chattel slavery in the Caribbean and the indisputable historical fact that it was Great Britain's Parliament that abolished slavery in 1833 and responded to a political lobby on behalf of the Caribbean plantation owners [based on the argument].

That it was Britain that legitimised chattel slavery for economic and political reasons and it was Britain that sold the the slaves to Caribbean planters and then said to the planters that the slaves must be freed but gave the newly freed class no rights of their own (freed slaves were not allowed to own titled land).

For this, the slave owners demanded compensation from the British Government for each slave owned at the time of abolition. This was agreed to by the then British Government, was assessed and a value of £20 million was put on the lost chattel slave labour. This amount was paid to the slave owners.

I have argued this case for all my life, that the country of the slave descendants is entitled to receive the same amount of money, but at today's value (estimated by the committee to be £7.5 trillion for the Caribbean), that was paid to the slave owners. [need] I remind us that three of our National Heroes were murdered and martyred for this fight.

I have further requested that it be paid to the Government of Jamaica, for the people of Jamaica.

The matter, which is also now being taken up by Caricom, brings the other five Caribbean countries into the claim; with a requirement for them to make a political decision also.

When such a political decision is made, it then opens the door for Jamaica and the other Caribbean countries to take the matter to the International Court of Justice to pursue other reparation claims against all the countries that were involved in the slave trade for other forms of abuses, be they genocide, rape, murder and the host of human rights abuses under slavery.

I am not sure what the ultimate real monetary value of the freed chattel slaves would be, but the report coming out of the National Reparations Committee talks of Jamaica's share being £2.2 trillion. Perhaps it is the audacity of the claim and/or the magnitude of this part of our reparations claim why, astonishingly to me, I should be asked by so many sectors of our society; Can they pay? Will they pay?

Based on my own firm beliefs in this non-political call, the questions should be:

* How will we coalesce around this matter as a conscience approach?

* How will we accept payment?

* How will it be used to transform our society?

* What must we the people put in place by even a referendum as to what we must use it for?

* It will certainly eliminate all our debt; what then?

* Would the people want it to be used to grant a tax holiday for, say, 20 years to all citizens and/investors while the Government prioritises education, land ownership and health and infrastructure?

One thing I know I will fight for is a sum to be set aside to facilitate repatriation or re-emigration to Africa, and I could go on, but I save the rest for this most important debate, out of which should come many answers to some of my questions, not the least of which is what the economists will think and the sociologists propose.

I have addressed the editorial from the singular prospective of chattel slavery and immoral injustice of compensating the slave owners without consideration for the newly freed chattel turned humans. Other points in the editorial will be addressed as the debate unfurls.

Let the debate begin!

Mike Henry, CD

Member of parliament — Central Clarendon

Let the reparations debate begin


What 'benefits' can Warmington really withhold?

Dear Editor,

Before we get any more hot and bothered over the latest controversial statement of MP Everald Warmington, perhaps someone should determine just how much "benefits" he — or any other MP — is capable of denying non-voting constituents.

Surely he was not suggesting that he has, or could, deny statutorily regulated "benefits" such as medical treatment at hospitals, entry to primary or secondary schools, student loans for tertiary education, PATH, NIS, NHT, or government workers' pensions. These seem to cover most of the main "benefits" available to taxpayers. Perhaps I am naive, but I am not aware that the receipt of the above depends on any MP.

Apart from the scraps from the table of the Constitutency Development Fund, perhaps what Mr Warmington meant as "benefits" were the usual discretionary "blys" that constituents seek from all MPs: job recommendations, moving a file from the bottom to the top of a pile, help with funeral or school expenses, etc, many of which are met from the MP's own pocket.

In every polity worldwide, from capitalist to communist, discrimination in the dispensation of those kinds of discretionary "benefits" is in favour of governing party supporters over neutrals or political opponents. Your readers would have a hearty chuckle if any of the other 62 MPs asserted otherwise. That, unfortunately, is the nature of the partisan political beast in an imperfect world.

All I discern Mr Warmington to be really saying is that he has inserted another level of discrimination in the dispensation of these discretionary "blys"— voter in preference to non-voter.

A story good for a few days' headlines, but not much else.

Errol W A Townshend

Ontario, Canada


What 'benefits' can Warmington really withhold?


Green not just for go

Dear Editor,

In 2013, 305 Jamaicans died from fatal traffic crashes. Of that number, 89 were pedestrians. In addition to the tremendous loss suffered by family and friends as a result of the untimely passing of their loved ones, the continued carnage on our roads also rackes up millions of dollars in hospitalisation and follow-up care of those individuals who were injured in traffic accidents as well. We cannot continue along this path of recklessness on our roads.

Our pedestrians are at particular risk on our roads. We are now at a point in our nation's history where we need to be more creative in using the mechanisms available to decrease traffic deaths. One such road safety system is our pedestrian crossings. I am proposing a change in the colour of our pedestrian crossings from the predominantly white to a more eye-catching colour. We need to move with the times, and as such we should be using fluorescent colours, such as neon green, that will definitely raise the visibility of our pedestrian crossings, and in so doing save lives. There have been too

many instances where motorists have been driving along

only to suddenly come upon a pedestrian crossing.

There is also a need for us to revisit the correct use of pedestrian crossings. It is very clear that too many of our road users are clueless where this is concern. A pedestrian crossing is not simply any location where the pedestrian leaves the sidewalk and enters the roadway.

Historically, we have not done a good job of maintaining our physical structures, and this fact is visible in the many faded pedestrian crossings islandwide. Road safety should be everyone's business and every effort

should be made to reduce deaths on our roads.

Each life is precious, and if one life can be saved by implementing a new measure, then it's worth the investment of State resources, as well as the time and effort. We all have a responsibility to work towards reducing road fatalities.

Wayne Campbell



Green not just for go


7 suggestions for Minister Bunting

Dear Editor,

Peter Bunting is the MP for my home town. I have long respected his work ethic and dedication to his country. As such, I hope I can offer some suggestions to him for his current portfolio as minister of national security. I urge him to 'Think Big and Go Long'.

1. Urgently activate the National Security Council: Both parties can continue to be at loggerheads with each other in every other area of national importance including the economy, healthcare, education, etc. However, on the matter of national security, I suggest that a genuine team from both parties join forces to tackle the increase in crime. We saw a rare example of this recently in the US where the Joint Economic Committee was finally able to work on issues relating to the budget. This after going over the so-called fiscal cliff and heading towards another major deadline. Jamaica's security issues are nearing our own 'cliff' and it is time to act now.

2. Public-private partnerships: The private sector has long worked with various Administrations to accomplish national security objectives. I suggest some radical approaches to these types of partnerships here in Jamaica. For example, the JDF outposts can help stem praedial larceny.

3. Involve the Diaspora: We saw recently where the Diaspora came together to support Tessanne in her bid to win The Voice. I remember, in 1985, a super group of musicians and artistes came together to produce a song, the proceeds of which were used to support nutritional programmes in Africa. A similar venture can be coordinated and all the proceeds used to support community business development and parish economic development activities, overseen by a group similar to the Economic Programme Oversight Committee.

4. Get surveillance technology: We need to invest heavily in town/community surveillance systems. Here we need to think big, like satellite systems, sonar, and radar networks, even looking at mini-submarines to patrol our borders.

5. Activate parish/community/church mediation centres and hotlines.

6. Implement the new anti-gang legislation or at least aspects on which there is consensus.

7. Divine intervention

Wayne Williams



7 suggestions for Minister Bunting


Remarkable prayer breakfast

Dear Editor,

Jesus and his disciples met on several occasions to have prayer breakfasts and business meetings.

I think the holding of prayer breakfasts in Jamaica should go straight down to the wire and become a habitual or traditional custom because it's a very good thing to have and to behold our leaders being put at the centre stage for prayer.

All those who want to see the National Prayer Breakfast being boycotted, for whatever reason, should think again. How many times for the year do our leaders meet together for devotion, before the opening of Parliament? And meetings like this are more important than some of the ones they have in the Senate. Taking a little time out for prayer, each day, should become a norm in the House

of Representatives.

If prayer breakfasts have the right content and ingredients combined in them, they can be like a strong glue that can profoundly affect and penetrate a people with love and compassion. And this is good for Jamaica, as it will help in weeding out the wrong and replacing it with unconditional love. The attendees will leave their tables, licking their fingers with satisfaction and enjoyment, while being renewed to stay the course.

Some people may not agree, but it's very important for the State to continue this type of meeting, because it can be a source of encouragement and upliftment to our leaders; can set the stage for clear vision and insights for them to launch out in confidence and assurance; and can help in tackling the challenges and demands that confront them. It can also be a time used for them to examine themselves.

The lessons that our leaders can learn from a prayer breakfast meeting can be powerful stepping stones for them to keep Jamaica from further decadence and gloom.

There is something absolutely remarkable about a prayer breakfast, and this most recent one, on January 16, 2014, was extra special. Rev Dr Delford Davis has given the nation the right kind of breakfast, another New Year's message, especially to our leaders.

It was so remarkable to see Davis call on Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Opposition Leader Andrew Holness to join him at the altar for prayer. And they held hands and prayed together.

It is hoped that the apt theme "Courageous leadership for challenging times" will stimulate the willpower to combat the diabolical forces attacking us to root out our ills.

Donald J McKoy


Remarkable prayer breakfast


We're on it — JPS

Dear Editor,

Jamaica Public Service has noted with concern the letter to the editor in the Daily Observer of January 15, 2014, "Rain, lights out".

The company is aware of incidents in recent times that have affected the community of Wiltshire, at the border of Trelawny and St James, which we deeply regret.

In the first case, one of our poles in Wiltshire — located in a swampy area — fell when the connections to the soil became loose due to the effects of prolonged saturation.

In two other instances, we had technical challenges, including a blown transformer. Measures are currently being undertaken to more effectively stabilise not only this pole, but others which are in wet/swampy locations.

We have also been taking steps to address the other technical challenges that resulted in the disruptions in power supply to the community.

In the meantime, we have made contact with the citizens' association, and will be attending their next community meeting to ensure that the company deals completely with all customer service issues affecting the residents.

We remain grateful for the feedback, as we continue our efforts to improve the service we provide.

Audrey Williams

Jamaica Public Service

We're on it -- JPS


School uniform parties a gateway for perverts

Dear Editor,

I wish to share my concern about the practice of our adults who engage in parties where they dress up in school uniforms of their choice and bump and grind the night away. Let me point out that this kind of behaviour sends the wrong signal. How can we have grown men and women, dressed like our schoolchildren, gyrating and rubbing up on each other in the most sexual ways?

With the prevalence of carnal abuse on the rise in our beloved country, one can only imagine the impact this practice has on those sick-minded men who attend these parties to get close to females wearing school uniforms. No wonder so many of our children are abused by grown men and, in many cases, go missing.

School uniforms are very sacred and speak to the innocence of the kids wearing them. All efforts should be made to restrict the activities of our children when they are dressed in their uniforms.

It's about time we stop talking about making the society safe for our kids and really do something about it. This I think is one of the root causes of the problems we are facing in securing our kids and making the streets safe for them. It is a fact that families do try very hard to protect their children from these monsters and other dangers as well, but how much they do depends very much on their financial standing along with support from family and friends.

And for the naysayers, I am not naive, I know it is also a fact that a lot of these abuses occurs in the very home of the child, and sometimes at the very hands of the ones entrusted to protect these vulnerable ones.

Let us stop talking and act by banning these school uniform parties.



School uniform parties a gateway for perverts


A matter of integrity

Dear Editor,

It is very important that in this relatively young country the integrity of our institutions be preserved and strengthened. Integrity, however, can never be preserved in Jamaica if our fledgling institutions are not held up to close scrutiny/investigation and publicly made accountable for their actions.

I know, for instance, that many regard public institutions as some sort of sacred cow, and that criticism of these institutions, especially by serving or former members, is perceived as an act of disloyalty. I hold no such apprehension, and maintain that those who condone or wish to cover up some misgivings are, in fact, being disloyal to such institutions because, ultimately, the very fibre of the institutions they mistakenly seek to protect will be weakened due to the loss of integrity.

I know, for instance, that many regard public institutions as some sort of sacred cow, and that criticism of these institutions, especially by serving or former members, is perceived as an act of disloyalty. I hold no such apprehension, and maintain that those who condone or wish to cover up some misgivings are, in fact, being disloyal to such institutions because, ultimately, the very fibre of the institutions they mistakenly seek to protect will be weakened due to the loss of integrity.

Integrity comes from the Latin word integra, meaning to be whole or unbroken. An institution that loses its integrity loses its wholesomeness and becomes ill-disciplined and consequently ineffective.

So, as we set about selecting commissioners for the long-overdue inquiry into the 2010 Tivoli security forces' incursion, in which 73 Jamaicans were killed, let us set out to uncover the truth of what took place during that operation.

Undoubtedly, our security forces will come under very close scrutiny, and rightly so. Our leaders should not be fearful of that. It will not destroy the JDF or JCF. If anything, it will strengthen them in the long term. I would be surprised and disappointed if the JDF or JCF resisted any efforts of the inquiry to uncover the truth of all aspects of the operation. Their leaders would be doing a disservice to the integrity of their institutions, and by extension to Jamaica. Any attempt, therefore, on their part to withhold the facts under the usual shield of national security should be viewed as an act of disloyalty and should be met with public outrage.

In its effort to get at the truth, the inquiry should not set out to be adversarial, but rather to be inquisitorial. As much as we all enjoyed the brilliance of the lawyers in the Mannatt inquiry, we cannot have a repeat performance of two sides pitted against each other. The Tivoli inquiry should not be a legal contest, and hopefully the commissioners will be meticulous in their efforts so that, at the end, we can learn from the mistakes and introduce measures to prevent a recurrence.

I would be very surprised if the JDF has not already done its own investigation. If not, how would their commanders know what went right or wrong at every level?

If we truly love and value the future of our country, we must demand full disclosure. We should dismiss any scenario in which the truth is camouflaged by the persistent assertion that "for security reasons information cannot be provided". Such an assertion should be treated as nothing less than an expression of disloyalty.

This inquiry, therefore, should not put individuals on trial, but unequivocally and transparently seek the truth. Here is a wonderful opportunity to engender the public's confidence in inquiries of this nature by conducting it with integrity and objectivity, and not merely attempting to score political points, while the majority of disenchanted Jamaicans look on in disgust.

Let us show the world that we are not afraid of the truth, and that we are building a solid future for Jamaica by preserving the integrity of our public institutions.

Colonel Allan Douglas

A matter of integrity


Transformational or coward?

Dear Editor,

Leader of the Opposition Andrew Holness must rein in Everald Warmington if he wants to show to the Jamaican populace that he is the transformational leader he claims to be. If he is afraid to do that, then one can only classify him as a coward in his own party.

To brush aside the statements made by Warmington, as a mere recognition that we should be focusing on compulsory voting, is at best a poor reflection of the direction in which Holness would lead this country if by some mere stroke of good fortune the JLP is returned to power.

Was Warmington saying to his constituents that in order for them to have access to the "scarce benefits and spoils" they must pass the litmus test that he has set, and that he must be convinced that they have voted?

Is Warmington holding his constituents to ransom by saying they must vote in order to benefit?

What Warmington is suggesting, by virtue of his utterance, is a threat to the electorate and a total hijacking of the electoral process. Let us also recall that this is not the first time that he has made such a call. He made it clear in his May 2004 parliamentary speech that people who don't vote in elections should not expect support from elected representatives. This was not an off-the-script comment.

The ball is now in Holness's court to indicate to the Jamaican people that he is not only a man of talk but also a man of the mettle he claims to be. Anything short of disciplinary action against Warmington is an indication that he is a weak leader and that he subscribes to the notion that some persons must be marginalised.

Ralston Chamberlain


Transformational or coward?

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