What do you expect when you pull the ‘lifeblood’ of Mobay
Dear Editor, The current crime situation in St James will continue to rise unless law enforcement, the Government, and the Jamaican people finally and fully understand the extend to which lotto...
View ArticleA ‘Jamaica Uprising’?
Dear Editor, It is not lost on me that the uprisings in the Middle East (Arab Uprising) in 2010 onwards were led primarily by highly qualified, underemployed or unemployed individuals. Notwithstanding...
View ArticleSometimes there are no consequences
Dear Editor, With the end of the so-called X6 trial with an acquittal of the defendant for murder there has been a lot of talk. In particular, the main witness has been at the receiving end of a lot of...
View ArticleWell done, Adam Stewart
Dear Editor, Quite recently, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Sandals Resort International Adam Stewart was officially awarded the prestigious national honour the Commander of the Order...
View ArticleI think I spotted dirty sugar
Dear Editor, Just this Saturday, my mom came home relating an incident that happened to her at the market. There was a cart with 2lb packages of sugar being sold for $100. Needless to say, these were...
View ArticleA case for Holmes
Dear Sir, I was hoping to see some real investigative journalism in the so-called X6 murder case, but nothing so far, or maybe I missed it. I read Linton Gordon’s comments saying the system did its...
View ArticleBring back the death penalty
Dear Editor, In recent times it has become like a plague on our society where our children have become targets of criminals. We have seen instances where schoolchildren have been robbed and stabbed to...
View ArticleIf we remain silent we have to live with ourselves
Dear Editor, Many of us were sincerely disappointed with the outcome of the Khajeel Mais trial. We believe that justice was not done as no one has been held accountable for the death of another...
View ArticleIf Clovis is right, we’ve got to turn to God
Dear Editor, Recently, a Clovis toon characterised justice for the poor as a juggler in a clown suit — a parody for entertainment only. If it’s so, we’re in very serious trouble. We have put ourselves...
View ArticleHail, INDECOM boss; replicate for judges
Dear Editor, If all public servants were like Terrence Williams what a great public service we would have. But then he is the commissioner of the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM)...
View ArticleTeachers need help
Dear Editor, Many students have been left in mourning after three schoolteachers died recently — Christopher Gayle, Kingston College; Nadine Trail, Norman Manley High; and Shenoria Hemmings Lee,...
View ArticleWe must end the ‘see and blind’ culture
Dear Editor, Tragic, gruesome and senseless are some mild ways of describing the killing of 14-year-old Jamaica College student Nicholas Francis on Wednesday, October 26, a short distance from his...
View ArticleFire the entire FLA board!
Dear Editor, Thanks to Professor Trevor Munroe of the National Integrity Action we are reminded that corruption is rife in Jamaica. The Firearm Licensing Authority is a recent demonstration of an...
View ArticleJamaica needs bold steps, Minister Shaw, take them
Dear Editor, Many reports ago, just pick one, the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica said if we were to title more land in Jamaica people would have more access to capital. If we have more capital...
View ArticleDon’t go too far, Mrs Foster Allen
Dear Editor, I am surprised and dismayed that Elaine Foster-Allen will be retiring from Jamaica’s public service so soon. She did so much sterling work for this country. This exceedingly bright,...
View ArticleWe need fixed election dates
Dear Editor, We need to have fixed election date. I think that the action of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Administration to call the local government election so quickly and put the Electoral Office...
View ArticleUpset with Customs
Dear Editor, I write to register how upset I am dealing with Jamaica Customs Agency. The present commissioner is acting like a law unto himself. I import used cars and pack them into containers so that...
View ArticleBacklog is backlog, Mark Golding
Dear Editor, Mark Golding, the Opposition spokesman on justice, is arguing that reports of more than 400,000 backlogged cases in Jamaica’s court system are inaccurate and misleading. What’s the point...
View ArticleElections have consequences
Dear Editor, To say that people around the world are looking at the US presidential election campaigns with disbelief would be an understatement. Never before in the history of American presidential...
View ArticleTough challenges will confront the next US president
Dear Editor, When the Americans vote in their next president to office he or she will be confronted with some very tough global challenges. It seems that there will be, as far as America’s foreign...
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